
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has in place the Sustainability Committee, comprising executive directors and chaired by the company president, which meets twice a year in conjunction with the Risk Management Committee to address, develop action plans and oversees performance against the targets, and other important issues including compliance, climate change, social contribution and diversity


Sustainability Committee to assess and manage climate-related risks and opportunities

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has in place the Sustainability Committee, comprising executive directors and chaired by the company president, which meets twice a year in conjunction with the Risk Management Committee to address, develop action plans and oversees performance against the targets, and other important issues including compliance, climate change, social contribution and diversity. The outcomes of these joint meetings are reported to Board of Directors.

Board's oversight of climate-related risks and opportunities

Based on reporting from the Sustainability Committee on prominent climate-related issues including those that influence management strategy, financial planning and goal setting, Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Board of Directors oversees climate-related risks and opportunities.

Sustainability Committee structure

Organization Structure

(figure) Organization Structure
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings



Faced with mounting threats of climate change and environmental challenges, it has become imperative to find solutions to these issues, and we are aware that our business operation's contribution to the environment is crucial in gaining market acceptance.

In our long-term GROUP VISION 2030, we have set “Creating sustainable environment" as a materiality for our value creation efforts, and included environmental management in our company-wide policies. The key environmental opportunities and risks have been identified as follows and KPI targets set accordingly.

create a sustainable environment

With our robust Group-wide effort in environment management, we are implementing climate change initiatives based on TCFD recommendations and reducing environmental impact through our supply chain, aiming to achieve our quantitative targets. At the same time, viewing global-scale environmental challenges as business opportunities, we endeavor to build cutting edge businesses that lead the industry in the pathway to decarbonized society.

Time horizons for climate-related strategy

We define following short, medium and long-term time horizons for our climate-related strategies:

【Short-term】1- 2 fiscal year(s)
【Medium-term】3- 9 years. Medium-term management plan falls in this time horizon. Our medium-term scenario analysis assumes SBT of 1.5°C in year 2030.
【Long-term】10- 30 years. Long-term management policy falls in this time horizon. Our long-term scenario analysis assumes zero-emission in year 2050.

Financial impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities

In setting climate-related strategies, we define magnitude of impacts on our business portfolio

【High】10% or more (of consolidated operating revenue)
【Medium-high】10% or more of the operating revenue for the respective business portfolio
【Medium】5-10% of the operating revenue for the respective business portfolio
【Medium-low】2-5% of the operating revenue for the respective business portfolio
【Low】 Less than 2% of the operating revenue for the respective business portfolio

Businesses subject to climate change scenario analysis

The Group uses scenario analysis to assess impacts including on upstream and downstream value chain of our different business operations. Scenario analysis has been applied to, and expanded to include, following businesses in accordance with their relevance to climate change risks/opportunities.

【In 2018】Urban development business(medium-term), Resort business(long-term)
【In 2020】Urban development, Resort, Residential, Renewable energy businesses(all medium/long-term)
【Yet to be analyzed】Logistics, Overseas, Human capital-utilizing business

Year Overview Analysis Scenario Target Business
Medium Term Long Term
2018 Conducting Scenario Analysis as part of the Environmental Ministry Support Project. 2℃、4℃ City Leisure
2020 Expansion of the Target Areas
Review of Scenario Analysis
1.5℃、3℃、4℃ Urban
Renewable Energy
2023 The latest scenario from the IEA
Incorporating NZE2050
1.5℃, (3℃、4℃)

Climate change scenario analysis process

Serving as the secretariat for the scenario analysis, the Group Sustainability Promotion Department identified, in consultation with the relevant departments, risks and opportunities that may have significant impacts on the business strategy and financial plan. With the help of external consultants, Sustainability Promotion Department conducted quantitative evaluation of the impacts and shared the information within the organization. Furthermore, strategies for likely scenarios are formulated in consultation with the relevant departments, approved by the Sustainability Committee, and reported to the Board of Directors.

Material climate-related issues

We have identified following material climate-related risks and opportunities that have potential impact on the Group :

Real estate business, due to significant greenhouse gas emissions during development and operation stages, is perceived by our group as a transition risk in response to the intensification of climate change, regulatory strengthening in society, rising energy costs, and changes in customer and investor awareness. Furthermore, we recognize the increasing physical risks of climate change in real estate operations.

Particularly, we acknowledge the significant challenges posed by new regulations and the increase in construction and renovation costs associated with the transition to a decarbonized society.

On the other hand, we see the expansion of demand for renewable energy and the growth of the ESG financial market as significant opportunities. Additionally, we perceive the changing awareness of customers as an opportunity, leading to an expanded selection of companies committed to environmental initiatives.

Category Type Material issues Significant Impact
Current regulation Current regulation Energy conservation reporting requirement
Energy Efficient Building Codes
Emerging regulation More stringent GHG emission reduction regulations
Carbon taxation
Technology Increase in cost for ZEB/ZEH construction/renovation
Legal cost Credit purchase under Tokyo Cap-and-Trade Program
Market Delayed response to price trend reflecting environmental value
Increasing energy cost
Reputation Changing customer/investor behavior
Physical risks Acute Intensified extreme weather events
Chronic Rising temperature / sea level
Opportunities Resource efficiency Transition to high-efficiency buildings, Recycling
Energy source Wider use of renewable energy source, government subsidies
Products /services Expanding low carbon products/services
Market Utilizing ESG finance
Resilience Energy efficiency renovations of operating assets
BCP compliance

Scenario Analysis ① 1.5°C

【Selected scenario】
This scenario assumes steady shifts in policies/technologies/market toward decarbonized society in line with Paris Agreement, and expects to limit average global temperature rise to well below 2°C above pre-industrial level at the end of the 21st century.
  • SDS developed by IEA World Energy Outlook, consistent with limiting the global temperature rise to 1.65°C with a 50% probability.
  • B2DS developed by IEA Energy Technology Perspectives, consistent with limiting the global temperature rise to 1.75°C.
  • The roadmap presented in IEA's NZE2050 scenario outlines a path to achieve net-zero globally by 2050.
  • RCP2.6 scenario developed by IPCC, consistent with global temperature rise of 0.9~2.3°C (average of 1.6°C) above pre-industrial level at the end of 21st century(2081~2100), referenced for gauging physical risks.

    ◆IEA(International Energy Agency), SDS(Sustainable Development Scenario), B2DS(Beyond 2 Degrees Scenario), NZE2050(Net Zero by 2050 Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector), IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), RCP(Representative Concentration Pathways)

【Summary of scenario analysis assessment】
In the medium term (2030), we expect carbon pricing and ZEB construction cost to have substantial financial impact on our urban development business. For the long term (2050), however, we will complete ZEB conversion, which improves our buildings' market competitiveness, leading to higher rental revenue. We also expect the renewable energy business to expand.
As for physical risks, natural disasters due to extreme weather conditions will increase moderately, but the magnitude of impact is expected to be low thanks to improved BCP and LCP.

Results of Scenario Anaylsis ① 1.5°C Scenario

Results of Scenario Anaylsis ① 1.5°C Scenario

Scenario Analysis ② 3°C Scenario

【Selected scenario】
This scenario assumes that all nations adhere to their NDCs, and the average global warming will be about 3°C above pre-industrial level at the end of the 21st century.
  • STEP developed by IEA World Energy Outlook, reflecting policies declared by each nation.
  • RTS developed by IEA Energy Technology Perspectives, consistent with each nation's existing energy and climate-related commitments including the NDCs of the Paris Agreement.
  • RCP6.0 scenario developed by IPCC, consistent with global temperature rise of 2.0~3.7°C(average of 2.8°C)above pre-industrial level at the end of the 21st century(2081~2100).

    ◆NDC(Nationally Determined Contribution), STEPS(Stated Policies Scenario), RTS(Reference Technology Scenario)

【Summary of scenario analysis assessment 】
Compared to 1.5°C scenario, we expect financial impact over medium term(- 2030) to be lower due to slower ZEB conversion in our urban development business, but the impact from ZEB conversion is likely to persist into long-term (-2050). On the other hand, we expect to see some growth in our renewable energy business.
As for physical risk, although our resort business will experience bigger impact from faster increase in natural disasters and global warming compared to 1.5°C scenario, its financial impact can be limited given successful differentiation strategies including selecting right building locations and utilizing resort facilities during off season.

Results of Scenario analysis ② 3°C Scenario

Results of Scenario analysis ② 3°C Scenario

Scenario Analysis ③ 4°C Scenario

【 Selected scenario】
This scenario assumes that policies, technologies and markets advance on the current trend and rate, allowing average global warming to exceed 4°C above pre-industrial levels at the end of the 21st century and expects greater risk of climate change-induced natural disasters.
  • RCP8.5 scenario developed by IPCC, consistent with global temperature rise of 3.2~5.4°C(average of 4.3°C)above pre-industrial level at the end of 21st century(2081~2100).
【Summary of scenario analysis assessment】
There will be limited impact of climate change for medium term(-2030) and transition risk will not emerge as significant financial impact during this period. For long-term(-2050), however, we will experience more severe natural disasters and rising temperature which likely aggravates financial impact. We expect to be able to alleviate the risk to some degree with successful differentiation through developing satellite office spaces(urban development business), selecting right building locations and off-season use of resort facilities. As for our renewable energy business, we look to expand in response to market trend.

Results of Scenario analysis ③ 4°C Scenario

Results of Scenario analysis ③ 4°C Scenario

Impact of climate change risks/opportunities on business strategy

The Group's business strategy has addressed climate change risks/opportunities in following areas:

Area Impact and our response
Products/services In addition to our ongoing effort to mitigate risks by energy efficient remodeling and adapt to risks by strengthening BCP for facilities the Group operates, the Group's long-term vision formulated in 2021 aims to further advance ZEB/ZEH. Moreover, Tokyu Land Co. strives to expand and advance ReENE, its renewable energy business.
Supply chain/value chain For upstream, we have addressed climate change issues in the Sustainable Procurement Policy formulated in 2020, and begun exploring how we can cooperate with general contractors to decarbonize construction process.
As for downstream, we are expanding ZEH and renewable energy uses into condominiums and rental housings.
Research/development investment Tokyu Community Co., a building management company, has built and acquired Nearly ZEB Certificate on NOTIA, a technical training center to improve its technical proposal capability. Additionally, in the fiscal year 2022, Tokyu Fudosan Co., Ltd. is conducting verification for the implementation of Zero Energy Building (ZEB) conversion in newly constructed small-scale office buildings and existing office buildings.
Facility operation Tokyu Land Co. operating urban/resort facilities, is set to expand use of its own renewable energy, and joined RE100 in 2019, a global environmental initiative which brings together companies committed to 100% renewable energy by 2050. As of December 2022, the company has successfully switched the power supply for all 244 domestic facilities it owns to 100% renewable energy.

Impact of climate change risk/opportunity on business strategy and financial planning

The Group's financial plan integrates the following in response to climate change risks/opportunities:

Area Impact and Response
Indirect cost Based on scenario analysis and simulation on marginal CO₂ emission reduction effect of energy efficient renovations and operational improvements at their existing facilities over the medium-/long-term, it was inevitable that Tokyu Land Co. must start purchasing renewable energy and reduce the emission even further if they are to meet the SBT. Intending to offset the emission with electricity from its own renewable energy business, the Company estimated the increase in overhead costs associated with renewable energy purchases. Given the estimate, the Company decided to expedite the introduction of renewable energy at their operating facilities while assessing the budget impact for each fiscal year, aiming to achieve RE100 early.
Capital allocation Aligned with the government's renewable energy promotion measures, Tokyu Land Co. expanded into the large-scale solar business in 2014, in which they have been stepping up investment as the scenario analysis since fiscal 2018 helped them envision the business as a climate-related opportunity. The company operates 66 renewable energy facilities as of the end of March 2022 and has 7 solar power plants, 6 wind power plants, and 2 biomass power plants under development.
Liabilities Based on the scenario analysis, we issued 10 billion yen in Green Bonds in fiscal 2019 to underscore its commitment to environmental issues and to win good reception from investors. In the fiscal year 2021, we formulated the policy "WE ARE GREEN Bond Policy" regarding the long-term issuance of ESG bonds, marking the first of its kind in Japan. We aim to increase the ESG bond ratio to 50% or more by the end of the fiscal year 2025 and 70% or more by the end of the fiscal year 2030.
Assets We have made environmental impacts one of the evaluation indicators for our long-term business portfolio management.
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Risk management

Risk management

Identifying / assessing climate-related risks/opportunities

Identifying / assessing climate-related risks/opportunities

“Creating a sustainable environment” is one of our 6 priority themes(materiality) on the path to Tokyu Fudosan Holding's long-term GROUP VISION 2030, and environmental management has been the company-wide policy. We reflect on risks and opportunities associated with each materiality in the entire value chain and set KPI targets.

KPI targets

Climate-related risk management process

Under the direct oversight of the company president, Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Sustainability Committee develops action plans and oversees performance against the targets on climate change and other important issues.

To ensure reporting compliant with relevant mandates and operate our business in a way that reduces environmental impact including GHG emission, waste, and water consumption, Group Sustainability Promotion Department, serving as a secretariat for the Sustainability Committee, sets targets for GHG emission reduction and other climate-related issues for each fiscal year, monitors performances and communicates information across the Group.

In January 2020, we laid out a Sustainable Procurement Policy to mitigate the impact of GHG emissions on climate change. To achieve this, we work with our stakeholders not only in our business operations but also upstream and downstream value chain and promote better energy efficiency and greater use of renewable energy throughout the lifecycle of products and services.

Integrating climate-related risk identification/assessment/management into organization's overall risk management

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Co. identified 7 risks that possibly hinder the Group's management objectives, and recognized climate change risk as another highly significant emerging risk. To manage these risks, we formulated a Basic Risk Management Policy on which we developed and run a risk management framework.

Basic risk management policy
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Metrics and targets

Metrics and targets

Climate change-related targets in our long-term GROUP VISION 2030

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has set forth medium- and long-term targets linked to climate change in line with our long-term GROUP VISION 2030 developed in 2021, and is committed to materializing decarbonized society through our business.

  • With our strength in the renewable energy business, we expect the reduction of scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions to exceed the Group's overall CO2 emissions, essentially achieving net negative in 2025. Additionally, Tokyu Land Co. plans to expedite achieving RE100.
  • We aim to reduce emissions from our own and controlled facilities and supply chain (scope 1, 2 and 3) and achieve SBT (Science Based Targets) to limit global warming to 1.5 ℃ by 2030, and net zero emission by 2050.
Targets related to climate change

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's ESG Management

Based on our identified social materiality, the Groupʼs long-term vision "GROUP VISION 2030" has been organized into six themes with KPI targets in terms of ESG aspects. We established KPI goals for fiscal 2030 for each of these themes, and we are progressing across the Group with initiatives aimed at achieving these goals, while following the PDCA cycle.

Themes of our efforts to create value (Materialities) and KPI target for FY2030

Our company group has set indicators and goals for the expansion of renewable energy projects and utilization, in addition to reducing CO₂ emissions, as a mitigation strategy for the transition to a decarbonized society.
Additionally, as adaptive measures to address significant risks and opportunities identified through scenario analysis, we have established the following items listed in the table below as indicators and goals. In addition to mitigation measures outlined in Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), we are also addressing Business Continuity Planning (BCP) measures from the perspective of adaptation to climate change, such as installing watertight boards and elevating electrical rooms to higher floors. We are committed to addressing climate change from both mitigation and adaptation perspectives.

As of January 31, 2025


Create a sustainable environment.
Create a sustainable environment.


This table can be scrolled horizontally

KPI Fiscal 2030 Targets Fiscal 2025 Targets Fiscal 2023 results
RE100 to be achieved by 2025*2 Achieved Achieved Achieved*3
Percentage of renewable energy power usage 60% or more*4 65%*5 84.1%
CO₂ emissions*1 (compared with FY2019)
  Scope1・2 (46.2)%
(SBT certification)
Year 2023(46.2)% (70.3)%
  Scope3 (46.2)%
(SBT certification)
Qualitative goal : Collaborative efforts with business partners such as construction companies (11.9)%
Water usage Reduction compared to the previous year Reduction compared to the previous year +9.1%
Waste volume (compared with FY2019) (11)% (6)% (16.6)%
Environment certification acquisition (e.g. CASBEE, DBJ)*6 100% 70% 65.0%
Sustainable procurement (wood materials for molds) 100% 30% 9.7%
Midori wo Tsunagu Project (Area of Forest Protected) 3,000ha 2,400ha 2,145ha
Environmental efforts through business 100 cases or more 50 cases or more 70 cases
  1. *1CO₂ equivalent emissions, including fluorocarbons (freons)
  2. *2Tokyu Land Corporation
  3. *3Excludes electricity generated through cogeneration involving private power generation (0.2% of overall electricity consumption), as there are no gases on the Japanese market that are recognized as green gases under the RE100 technical criteria
  4. *4Formulated during the long-term business policy phase in 2021
  5. *5The mid-term management plan announced in 2022
  6. *6Applies to large non-residential properties (with floor space of 10,000 m2 or greater) that are owned Excluding some joint projects
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings
Climate Change


Policy The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes that climate change i...

Climate Change

Management Structure

Management Structure The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has in place the T...

Climate Change

Environment approved by the board of directors, Named position responsible at Board level

Environment approved by the board of directors, Named position responsible ...

Climate Change

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Quantified CO₂ reduction targets ...

Climate Change

Reduction of CO2 emissions / Reduction of energy consumption

Targets in the investment process ① Electrical facility: Introdu...

Climate Change

GHG(CO2) emissions data

GHG(CO₂) emissions (Achievements, Goals) GHG(CO₂) emissions

Climate Change

Energy usage data

Energy usage Energy usage

Climate Change

Company position on public policy for mitigating climate change

Company position on public policy for mitigating climate change Tokyu La...

Climate Change

Support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associations that are consistent with climate change policies

Support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associ...

Climate Change

Efforts, Supports and Involvement for activities to avoid climate change

Efforts, Supports and Involvement for activities to avoid climate change ...

Climate Change

Risk management process

Tokyu Land Corporation implements the following management process as a cou...

Climate Change

Renewable Energy Business

Renewable Energy Business Promotion of Renewable Energy Business SD...

Climate Change

Use of renewable energy

Use of renewable energy The Group uses photovoltaic energy, wind power a...

Climate Change

Building Management Systems in place measuring energy efficiency of properties

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings measures the energy efficiency of all real estate pr...

Climate Change

Phase out investments in carbon intensive assets

In office buildings and commercial facilities operated and managed by Tokyu...

Climate Change

Reduction in CO2 emissions in office buildings

The Group works to reduce CO2 emissions in the office buildings it manages ...

Climate Change

Reduction in CO2 emissions in condominiums

The 356-unit Branz City Shinagawa Katsushima is a large condominium buildin...

Climate Change

TOKYU COMMUNITY Technology Training Center NOTIA acquired Nearly ZEB

Initiatives towards ZEB and ZEH TOKYU COMMUNITY Technology Training Cent...

Climate Change

Program to promote corporate value improvement through decarbon management

Program to promote corporate value improvement through decarbon management ...

Climate Change

Third-party Independent Verification of Environmental Data

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure


TCFD / TNFD disclosure


TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD disclosure

TCFD disclosure(Top page)​

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group makes a commitment to environmental issues an ...

TCFD disclosure


Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has in place the Sustainability Committee, comprisin...

TCFD disclosure


Strategy Faced with mounting threats of climate change and environmental...

TCFD disclosure

Risk management

Risk management Identifying / assessing climate-related risks/opportunit...

TCFD disclosure

Metrics and targets

Metrics and targets Climate change-related targets in our long-term GROU...

Transition Plan toward Decarbonized Society

Transition Plan toward Decarbonized Society

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group makes a commitment to environmental issues an ...



Policy Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's business activities rely heavily o...


Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...


Planning and management at the project site

Planning and management at the project site Biodiversity Action Plan (BA...


Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual”

Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual” According to the In...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat)《New project》

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) ~ Conducti...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) 《Existing project》

《Existing project》For example, at the roof terrace garden named Omohara For...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower"

At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower", we are working on environmenta...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) “Tambara Ski Park"

“Tambara Ski Park" has been working to protect ‘forest green tree frogs’, w...


Participation records in biodiversity certification systems

Participation in biodiversity certification systems Systematic applicati...


Results of Participation in the biodiversity certification system

Obtained the highest rank (AAA) of "JHEP Certification The FUTAKO TAMAGA...


Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity

Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity Gover...

TNFD disclosure

TNFD disclosure

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has established environmental management a...

TNFD disclosure

Introduction, Summary, INDEX

INTRODUCTION Introduction -Nature Positive as a Global Goal- Am...

TNFD disclosure

General requirement

Nature-Related Information Disclosure in line with TNFD G...

TNFD disclosure


Governance Governance Under “governance” by the T...

TNFD disclosure


Strategy Strategy Strategy Framework ...

TNFD disclosure

Risk and impact management

Risk and impact management Risk and impact management ...

TNFD disclosure

Measured metrics / targets

Metrics and Targets P Metrics and Targets ...

Pollution and Resources


The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group believes that one of its duties is to miti...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Process targets to reduce or avoid pollution

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Process targets to reduce or avoid ...

Pollution and Resources

Setting standards to ensure residential indoor air quality

Tokyu Land Corporation has rigorous performance standards for its newly bui...

Pollution and Resources

Handling of hazardous substances

The Group's office buildings, commercial facilities and resorts manage and ...

Pollution and Resources

Measurement of NOx, SOx, emissions

Measurement of NOx, SOx, emissions According to the Air Pollution Contro...

Pollution and Resources


Waste Policy The Group recognizes that the mitigation and prope...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Process targets to reduce or avoid waste

Process targets to reduce or avoid waste: Tokyu Land Corporation has set...

Pollution and Resources

Data on waste volume

Data on waste volume ESG Data : Waste discharge amount

Pollution and Resources

Waste reduction through remodeling

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group is working to reduce waste through home re...

Pollution and Resources

【WASTE】Ratio of establishments receiving environmental management certification

Ratio of establishments receiving environmental management certification ...

Pollution and Resources

Working with others to reduce waste or resource use by Participation in specific local or global Initiatives

Working with others to reduce waste or resource use by Participation in spe...

Pollution and Resources

Use of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)​

Use of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings is developin...

Pollution and Resources


Use of Resources Policy The Group recognizes that the responsib...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Progress against previously set targets to reduce resource use:

Progress against previously set targets to reduce resource use: Quantifi...

Pollution and Resources

Forming a reuse cycle for wood resources

Forming a reuse cycle for wood resources The Green Connection Project is...

Pollution and Resources

Investment in R&D on reducing impacts

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has invested in a company that promotes th...

Water Use


Policy The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes the importance of wat...

Water Use

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Committe...

Water Use

Water conservation measures

Water conservation measures Water management plan Tokyu Land Corporat...

Water Use

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features The Tokyu ...

Water Use

Initiatives Along the Tama River - Environmental Conservation of the River and its Basin

Initiatives Along the Tama River - Environmental Conservation of the River ...

Water Use

Initiatives in water-scarce regions

Initiatives in water-scarce regions Engagement, water withdrawal, etc. ...

Water Use

Business activities in a water shortage area

Business activities in water-scarce regions The Republic of Palau is chr...

Water Use

Works with others to reduce water use

Works with others Works with others to reduce water use Tokyu Fudosan...

Water Use

Collaboration with other companies operating at same sites such as making use of water waste streams as inputs (industrial ecology)

Collaboration with other companies operating at same sites such as making u...

Water Use

Costs associated with water-related risks

Costs associated with water-related risks The cost of water-related risk...

Water Use

The number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permits, standards and regulations

The number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permi...

Water Use

Independent verification of water use data by third party

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

Supply Chain (Environment)


Policy In the real estate business involving the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings ...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Results on goals of acquisition of environmental performance certification, including LEED and CASBEE

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Results on goals of acquisition of en...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Targets on water usage from property portfolio

Targets and performance on water usage from property portfolio Water Use...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Permeating environmental awareness to stakeholders

Training and providing programs to raise employees' environmental awareness...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of relevant supplier staff

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of releva...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Green leases offered to tenants of underlying property portfolio

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has introduced a green lease clause in some of the l...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Operating energy management systems together with tenants

Operating energy management systems together with tenants Tokyu Land Cor...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Response to environmental issues

Tokyu Fudosan Hodings participate in the Environmental Management Committee...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Commitment to Green Field Development

Commitment to Green Field Development Commitment to Green Field Developm...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Measures to reduce energy and water consumption

Measures to reduce energy and water consumption Aggregate energy data at...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Managing energy usage of condominiums

Tokyu Community Corporation has been selected to be an MEMS aggregator as a...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features The Tokyu ...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater The office building "Kasumig...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Initiatives for biodiversity

As a member of the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council, Initiatives fo...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Applying biodiversity commitments to the supply chain

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings distributes the Sustainable Procurement Policy to it...

Supply Chain (Environment)

No-Deforestation Commitment

No-Deforestation Commitment Much of plywood used for concrete formwork i...