

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group will respect the following matters as a set of fundamental rights in hiring and employment in order to achieve co-existence and co-prosperity with employees.

  1. Prohibition of discrimination: We will eliminate all discriminatory actions based on nationality, race, religion, beliefs, gender, age, sexual orientation and/or disability and will strive to maintain equal opportunity and treatment in hiring and employment.
  2. Prohibition of harassment: We will never engage in sexual harassment, power harassment, or any other form of harassment toward people in the workplace. We will also never tolerate language or actions related to harassment.
  3. Prevention of forced labor and human trafficking: We will strive to eliminate and prevent all forms of forced labor and human trafficking.
  4. Curtailment of overwork and reduction of overtime: We will establish a fundamental policy on work management to curtail overwork and reduce overtime work giving consideration to employees’ work-life balance and their health maintenance/improvement. In Japan, we will comply with the “Article 36 Agreement.”
  5. Prevention of child labor: We will support and practice the effective abolishment of child labor.
  6. Respect for freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining: In recognizing that the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are fundamental human rights that must be respected by a company, in countries and regions where the formation of labor unions is allowed we fully recognize employees’ right to organize, right to collective bargaining and right to strike in labor agreements. In addition, even in countries and regions that do not allow the formation of labor unions due to laws or practice, we will effectively promote conflict resolution through dialogue involving management and labor with the purpose of securing the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
  7. Payment of wages above and beyond the minimum wage: We will comply with labor laws and regulations and adopt a fundamental policy on labor management in which we will pay wages to employees above and beyond the minimum wage for acceptable living conditions.
  8. Equal pay for equal work: We strive to provide fair working conditions and a comfortable working environment, such as equal pay for equal work without discrimination on the basis of gender or other factors within the same position.

Supporting international initiatives

The Group supports and respects the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, international labor standards and Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In December 2016, we stated our support for the UN Global Compact. In accordance with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, we promote responsible management and contribute to a sustainable society.

The 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact

Human rights
  • Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
  • Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses
  • Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
  • Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour:
  • Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
  • Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
  • Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
  • Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
  • Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies
  • Principle 10: Businesses should work against all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings engages in activities as a member of the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ), the local network of United Nations Global Compact in Japan.

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Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Management Structure

Management Structure

In our group, to align human resources strategy, including health and safety, with business strategy, the Sustainability Committee and the Risk Management Committee report the challenges and progress of human resources strategy, including KPIs, and discuss the policy among the executive management. The results are then reported to the Board of Directors.

For the implementation of the human resources strategy, our Group Human Resources Department oversees and manages the human resources departments of the five major companies within the company. As part of specific monitoring functions, the Group Human Resources Council is held twice a year to report and share the challenges and progress of KPIs among the various group companies. Additionally, individual subcommittees are established for specific themes such as diversity, recruitment, and labor management, ensuring a solid framework for the effective execution of human resources strategy.

System for Advancing Human Resources Strategy

System for Advancing Human Resources Strategy

Launched and Participated in Builders and Realtors Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Launched and Participated in Builders and Realtors Human Rights Due Diligence Promotion Council

On September 21, 2018, with Mitsubishi Estate as an organizer, Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, NTT Urban Development, Tokyo Tatemono Co., Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Obayashi Co., Shimizu Corporation and Taisei Corporation joined in launching of Builders and Realtors Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop.

The Workshop aims to identify adverse impacts that builders and realtors have on human rights, research and explore how we can address them and share good practices with general construction companies which are one sector of the suppliers. By doing so, we make sure we are in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights which require business enterprises to avoid infringing on human rights of others and to implement measures to prevent, mitigate and remedy human rights abuses on those linked to their businesses.

In April 2023, the Workshop changed its name to Human Rights Due Diligence Promotion Council, and in December of the same year, Mitsui Fudosan Co., Ltd.

Amid recent globalization, our businesses today operate well beyond national boundaries and we are expected to embrace more internationalized, sophisticated corporate social responsibilities(CSR). At the same time, adaption of UN Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) in 2015 has accelerated ESG investing practices where investors screen and invest in companies with strong E(environment), S(society) and G(governance) due diligence.

Regarding Human Rights, a core subject in Social Responsibility, UN Commission on Human Rights adopted UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in 2011, providing a framework for businesses to respect human rights, in which companies are required to practice human rights due diligence in order to avoid and mitigate human rights infringement.

Human rights due diligence practice involves four steps: assessing human rights impacts; integrating findings and responding to impacts; tracking performance; and communicating about how impacts are addressed. Because these steps are to be taken not only on our own business entity but also on its entire supply chain and value chain network, the vastness of this scope has hindered us from thoroughly addressing the issues. That is why developers as well as construction companies in the supply chains decided to launch the Workshop, the first of its kind in the industry, to establish Human rights due diligence framework.

The Workshop provides member companies with opportunities to learn about human rights including international human rights standards and approaches expected of us. We intend to invite specialists from NGO such as FoE Japan and other experts to help us identify actual human rights risks and engage in biodiversity dialogues to explore specific approaches.

Participation in GCNJーA member of a recognised supply chain related initiative

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings participates in the global supply chain subcommittee held by the Global Compact every year.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Participate in industry collaboration in labor standards

External response to labor issues

Participate in industry collaboration in labor standards

Tokyu Land Corporation are a member of the Shibuya Labor Standards Association, and we are always working closely with the labor standards administration promoted by the Shibuya Labor Standards Inspection Office, and we strive to create a safe, healthy and comfortable workplace through mutual communication and cooperation among our members.


Risk Assessment regarding labour issues carried out for Potential new operations or projects

When Tokyu Fudosan Holdings invests in a new project such as an M&A, it conducts due diligence on the other company's management system, including personnel management and internal rules, and assesses risks related to labor issues.

Risk Assessment on Labor Issues

●New project

When Tokyu Fudosan Holdings invests in a new project such as an M&A, it conducts due diligence on the other company's management system, including personnel management and internal rules, and assesses risks related to labor issues.

●Existing project

In our group, we regularly conduct assessments of human resources and labor matters in existing operations, performing risk assessments related to labor issues.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Whistleblower System

Whistleblower System

Whistleblower System of the TFHD Group assumes it step 1-4 as below. We strongly believe that we should take actions by employee and organization themselves before reporting to compliance desk step 4. It also applies to early detection and the prevention of the compliance violation.

Non-retaliation policy

In accordance with the Whistleblower Protection Act, whistleblowers are legally protected so that their personal information is kept anonymous, their reports are kept confidential, and they are not subjected to any prejudicial treatment.

Proactively communicated to employees

This system is actively communicated to employees by the following.

  • Distribution of report window card
  • Notification using compliance communication (issued monthly) and e-learning (twice a year)
  • Posting on the TLC portal site
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Corrective and remedial initiatives

Corrective and remedial initiatives

Respect for human rights and mechanism for reporting violations of human rights

The Group strives to help individuals and communities by clearly stating that it will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, or nationality. In order to prevent future occurrences, we check them in our daily work inspections. We have a system in place to notify the company through a whistle-blowing system if it is discovered, and if we can identify that it has had a negative impact on human rights or has been involved in it, we will provide relief to the affected party.

In addition, The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group states “Respect human rights” in the Code of Conduct and encourages individual employees to give due consideration to human rights in their activities. The Group respects basic human rights in compliance with “the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” adopted by the United Nations as well as with the local laws and regulations implemented in the regions where it has bases. The Group also takes steps to prevent discriminatory behavior and speech, sexual harassment and power abuse while making efforts to respect the diverse values, individuality, and privacy of individuals.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

The number of incidents of labour standards non-complianceーNumber of helpline reports

The number of incidents of labour standards non-complianceーNumber of helpline reports

fiscal 2022, the number of consultations and reports received through the helpline was 160, including minor consultations and questions. The Group Human Resources Department and the Group Legal Department understand, evaluate, and analyze these matters, and report to the Risk Management Committee and the Board of Directors.In addition, each company takes appropriate measures such as cautioning the individual and related parties, and strives to improve.

Specific action taken regarding non-compliance specifying the types of incidents

Tokyu Land Corporation takes the following measures when overtime work exceeds regulations.

  • For employees whose overtime work or holiday work exceeds 79 hours per month, the company will provide an interview with a doctor for guidance.
  • After a doctor interviews and provides guidance to employees who work long hours, we listen to the doctor's opinion and take measures, such as shortening working hours, as necessary.

Initiatives to create an employee-friendly work culture

Initiatives for respecting human rights

With the exception of a few companies, Tokyu Land Holdings Group companies have established telecommuting systems to create a comfortable work environment through flexible work styles.

Initiatives to create an employee-friendly work culture

With the exception of a few companies, Tokyu Land Holdings Group companies have established telecommuting systems to create a comfortable work environment through flexible work styles.
TOKYU COMMUNITY CORP. enables a more flexible way of working by simultaneously using the “sliding work system” that allows working hours to be pushed up and pushed down.

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Taking steps to promote diverse workforce regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, handicap, nationality, and equal opportunities, and to eliminate discrimination

Taking steps to promote diverse workforce regardless of race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, handicap, nationality, and equal opportunities, and to eliminate discrimination ~ Equal Employment Opportunities

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has set forth a code of conduct regarding human rights for each Group company to observe. The Compliance Group of the Group Legal Affairs Department and the Human Resources Development Group in the Group Human Resources Department are responsible for the company’s positive and voluntary fulfillment of social responsibilities regarding human rights, and raising awareness and understanding of human rights issues throughout the Group.

Specific measures include trainings and e-learning programs on sexual, power and other types of harassments, discrimination and LGBT as part of our continuous awareness campaign. In addition, compliance helplines are available both within and outside of the company for employees to consult to via phone or e-mail regarding harassments and other issues.

We have launched an information liaison committee to further our effort to raise human rights awareness throughout the Group and strive to improve disability employment and hiring foreign nationals residing in Japan.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Acceptance of foreign technical intern trainees and effots to respect their human rights

The Group responds to the fact that forced labors related to the foreign technical intern training program is regarded as a issue in Japan.

Acceptance of foreign technical intern trainees and effots to respect their human rights

The Group responds to the fact that forced labors related to the foreign technical intern training program is regarded as a issue in Japan. We fully respect the human rights of foreign technical intern trainees as a priority issue for human rights risks, and have organized the issues related to the trainees and created the guidelines. By conducting surveys of the Group's host companies, we are continuously and proactively evaluating whether there are any negative impacts on human rights, and are working to avoid and prevent human rights violations. The results of the survey conducted in FY2020 showed no problems, but if problems are discovered in the future, we will work to mitigate them.

Interviews were conducted with foreign technical intern trainees.
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

The Employment of under-privileged groups and Internship Programs for Youth unemployment initiatives

Tokyu Land Corporation and TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. provide an environment where people with disabilities can work comfortably, such as by arranging work according to disabilities so that employees with disabilities can fully exert their abilities.

The Employment of under-privileged groups and Internship Programs for Youth unemployment initiatives

Tokyu Land Corporation and TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. provide an environment where people with disabilities can work comfortably, such as by arranging work according to disabilities so that employees with disabilities can fully exert their abilities.
Tokyu Land Corporation offers internship opportunities for students to make educated career choices. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply to the internship program which accepted 199 students in fiscal 2022.


Information Provision to Employees

Information Provision to Employees

The 'Guidebook for Preventing Sexual Harassment' and the 'Guidebook for Preventing Power Harassment' are available on the intranet at our group, allowing employees to access them at any time.

Preventing child labor or forced labor

Improvement of working conditions.

The Group is committed to preventing child labor and forced labor by complying with the laws and regulations of each country concerning human rights and labor.

Preventing child labour and forced labour

The Group is committed to preventing child labor and forced labor by complying with the laws and regulations of each country concerning human rights and labor. In order to prevent child labor, we verify the age of each employee by using his or her certificate of residence when hiring.

To prevent forced and compulsory labor, we conduct periodic monitoring at each Group company and have established a contact point where employees can report possible violations. In addition, we always hire based on the applicant's willingness to apply, and mid-career hires, in particular, are hired based on the applicant's agreement after presenting working hours, wages, and other information in writing.

Supporting a living wage

In addition to monthly salaries, Tokyu Land Corporation pays employees bonuses according to business performance several times a year.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Management of work hours

Each subsidiary of the Group monitors employees for chronic and constant prolonged work hours and makes improvements when necessary by discussing information about employees working prolonged hours and solutions at meetings of the Group Executive Committee and meetings involving executive officers.

Management of work hours

Each subsidiary of the Group monitors employees for chronic and constant prolonged work hours and makes improvements when necessary by discussing information about employees working prolonged hours and solutions at meetings of the Group Executive Committee and meetings involving executive officers.

Tokyu Land Corporation has a mechanism in place for labor-management negotiations. And it also holds "no overtime days" or a program to automatically shutdown computers after a certain period of time. TOKYU COMMUNITY CORP.,Tokyu Livable, Inc. and Tokyu Housing Lease Corporation also strive to prevent prolonged work hours by using a program to automatically shutdown computers after a certain period of time and other solutions.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION, TOKYU COMMUNITY CORP., TOKYU LIVABLE, INC., Tokyu Housing Lease Corporation

Equal Pay for Equal Work Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the Part-Time and Fixed-Term Worker Law, the Worker Dispatching Law, etc., we are working to establish a system to ensure equal and balanced treatment regardless of gender or employment status.

Equal Pay for Equal Work Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the Part-Time and Fixed-Term Worker Law, the Worker Dispatching Law, etc., we are working to establish a system to ensure equal and balanced treatment regardless of gender or employment status.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Dialogue between labor and management

Communication with employees

Tokyu Land Corporation has instituted a labor negotiation mechanism to ensure dialogue between its employee representatives and senior management.

Dialogue between labor and management

Tokyu Land Corporation has instituted a labor negotiation mechanism to ensure dialogue between its employee representatives and senior management. Under the mechanism, the company’s directors and the labor union meet annually and exchange their views and opinions, which nurtures better mutual understanding necessary for healthy labor-management relationship enabling both employees and the management to identify and share present issues, seek solutions and implement measures.


Communicate labor standards globally to employees

Tokyu Land Corporation explains labor laws, employment regulations, labor contracts, and other labor standards to all employees, including those of Group companies in overseas locations, during training for new employees, newly appointed managers, and other level-specific education.

Communicate labor standards globally to employees

Tokyu Land Corporation explains labor laws, employment regulations, labor contracts, and other labor standards to all employees, including those of Group companies in overseas locations, during training for new employees, newly appointed managers, and other level-specific education. In such cases, necessary materials are distributed in Japanese, English, and other languages as needed to create an environment in which employees can understand the information in their native language (or an equivalent language).


Employee training dedicated to skills development

Various training programs.

Employee training dedicated to skills development

Tokyu Land Corporation conducts annual training programs for the skill development of regular employees, including hierarchical training, optional training and nomination type training.

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Skill Development Programs for Employees

In order to foster innovation within the Group required to create values for diverse lifestyles, the Group proactively promote individual skill development.

Skill Development Programs for Employees

In order to foster innovation within the Group required to create values for diverse lifestyles, the Group proactively promote individual skill development. A number of Group companies offer certificate assistance programs to help their employees obtain professional certifications including Licensed Real Estate Realtor, First-class Qualified Architect, Real Estate Transaction Specialist, Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultant, Licensed Representative of Condominium Management Company , Licensed Strata Management Consultant, and The Official Business Skills Test in Bookkeeping. Language classes and other training programs are also available for the employees.

In addition, Tokyu Land Holdings holds "Knowledge Forums," self-development seminars in which professionals and top runners in various fields and industries are invited to share their experiences, and "Knowledge Cafés," in which employees serve as lecturers to promote mutual understanding of business operations. The "Knowledge Café" is held about four times a year for Group employees as a place for mutual understanding.
These seminars are popular as a place to deepen knowledge, with one particularly popular event attracting more than 200 participants, exceeding the venue's capacity.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Training on human rights policy

Training on human rights policy

The Group conducts human rights policy training in e-learning for all employees to raise awareness of the need to protect human rights in business. In fiscal 2022, we conducted training on human rights-friendly procurement. In addition, Tokyu Land Corporation provides all new employees with training on the company's human rights policy, deepening their understanding of human rights issues under the theme of "Companies and Human Rights Issues."

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION

Harassment training for all employees and managers

The Group regularly holds e-learning and training by inviting external lecturers for all employees and managers to prevent harassment.

Harassment training for all employees and managers

The Group regularly holds e-learning and training by inviting external lecturers for all employees and managers to prevent harassment. The themes are not limited to mere learning, but also cover practical themes such as communication gaps between generations, unconscious bias and anger management, and include instances of harassment and how to respond to reports of harassment. We strive to prevent harassment by deepening the understanding of all employees and managers.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Freedom of Association

Various data

Freedom of Association


Turnover rate

Turnover rate

Ratio of non-regular employees

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Tokyu Fudosan Holdings
Supply Chain (Society)


The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes the cooperation of stakeholders...

Supply Chain (Society)

Sustainable Procurement Policy

This card shows Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Sustainable Procurement Policy...

Supply Chain (Society)

Management Structure

In our group, to address challenges in the supply chain, we have establishe...

Supply Chain (Society)

Property portfolio management policy

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Management policy Property portfol...

Supply Chain (Society)

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management Critical Suppliers The buildings developed by o...

Supply Chain (Society)

Redevelopment project in Shibuya

Creating a Safe and Secure Community Redevelopment project in Shibuya ...

Supply Chain (Society)

Real estate development with excellent access to transit

Consideration of access via public transport during design and development ...

Supply Chain (Society)

Disabled persons access is assessed for all buildings

Disabled persons access is assessed for all buildings Tokyu Land Corpora...

Supply Chain (Society)

Arrangement of Real Estate business value chain

Arrangement of Real Estate business value chain Supply Chain in the Real...

Supply Chain (Society)

Request for supply chain policy on social issues

Request for supply chain policy on social issues In our group, individua...

Supply Chain (Society)

Stakeholder Engagement on Human Rights, etc. - Due Diligence on Suppliers

Risk Assessment carried out regarding environmental and social issues for P...

Supply Chain (Society)

Capacity building for suppliers 

Capacity building for suppliers Tokyu Re・design Corporation conducts tra...

Supply Chain (Society)

Monitoring of suppliers for social issues 

Tokyu Land Corporation conducts on-site audits of suppliers regarding safet...

Supply Chain (Society)

Addressing Social Issues through Dialogue with the Local Community and Tenants.

Stakeholder Engagement Resolving Social Issues through dialogue with loc...

Supply Chain (Society)

Engage with Local communities on social issues

Tokyu Land Corporation aims to solve social issues through business activit...

Supply Chain (Society)

Building homes that take customers views into account

Improvement of Services and Quality Building homes that take customers v...

Supply Chain (Society)

Service-way Forum

Service Way Forum aiming for improved customer service. In 2009, the Tok...

Supply Chain (Society)

Tenant satisfaction survey

Tenant satisfaction survey Tokyu Land SC Management Co., Ltd. invest...

Supply Chain (Society)

Communication with customers

Facilitating Communication Communication with customers Ref...

Supply Chain (Society)

Communication with tenants

Communication with tenants With the aim of helping the office workers ...

Supply Chain (Society)

Strengthening disaster preparedness measures

Pursuit of Safety and Security in Buildings Strengthening disaster prepa...

Supply Chain (Society)

Clear evacuation plans and Regular evacuation training for tenants

The Group prepares a clear evacuation plans in accordance with the Fire Ser...

Supply Chain (Society)

Condominium design that emphasizes safety and peace of mind

Condominium design that emphasizes safety and peace of mind Tokyu La...

Supply Chain (Society)

Strengthening seismic resistance through home renovation

Strengthening seismic resistance through home renovation Tokyu Re・de...

Human Rights and Community


The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes that respecting the human right...

Human Rights and Community

Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Human Rights Po...

Human Rights and Community

Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Human Rights and Community

Identification of salient human rights issues specific to the business

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Identification of salient human rig...

Human Rights and Community

Target for 2030 – 100% Sustainable Wood for Concrete Formworks

Target for 2030 – 100% Sustainable Wood for Concrete Formworks Much of p...

Human Rights and Community

Human rights impact or risk assessments

Human rights impact or risk assessments Regarding the potential new proj...

Human Rights and Community

Continued positive assessment of negative impacts on human rights

Continued positive assessment of negative impacts on human rights The Gr...

Human Rights and Community

Actions implemented for avoidance, prevention and mitigation of human rights issues

Actions implemented for avoidance, prevention and mitigation of human right...

Human Rights and Community

Clear communication of human rights expectations to stakeholders

Clear communication of human rights expectations to stakeholders The Gro...

Human Rights and Community

Efforts to respect human rights of suppliers and ensure sustainable procurement

Efforts to respect human rights of suppliers and ensure sustainable procure...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society


The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes the sustainability of communiti...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society


Commitments We are committed to take the Group’s business and advance it t...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Management Structure

Management Structure In our group, to address challenges in the community ...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society
Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Community investments​

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements The town development in the Greater...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Creation of local employment opportunities

Community Contribution Activities Creation of local employment opportuni...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Contributing to communities in the tourist haven of Palau

Contributing to communities in the tourist haven of Palau For ...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Continuing to support disaster-stricken areas in the recovery effort

Continuing to support disaster-stricken areas in the recovery effort ...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Supporting local activities

Supporting local activities Tokyu Land Corporation is involved with the ...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Senior life business

Initiatives Through Customer Engagement Initiatives to Address Social Is...

Contribution to Local Communities and Society

Supporting child raising through condominiums

Supporting child raising through condominiums In September 201...

Health and Safety


The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes that ensuring the health and sa...

Health and Safety

Board of Directors to Oversee Health and Safety Issues

Tokyu Land Holdings conducts monthly labor management surveys at each Group...

Health and Safety

Named position responsible at Board level to Oversee Health and Safety Issues

The director responsible for promoting occupational safety management is th...

Health and Safety

Health management

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Health management Tokyu Land Hol...

Health and Safety

Health committees , Labor liaison meetings

Health committees , Labor liaison meetings The Group has established Hea...

Health and Safety

​​Risk Assessment carried out regarding health and safety ​

In all development projects in which Tokyu Land Corporation is a principal ...

Health and Safety

Employees’ physical health and mental health

The Group endeavors to offer sound workplaces that are dynamic so that each...

Health and Safety

Number of staff trained on health and safety standards

Number of staff trained on health and safety standards Tokyu Fudosan Hol...

Health and Safety

Addressing Global Health Issues

Addressing Global Health Issues Currently, HIV (AIDS), tuberculosis, and...

Health and Safety

Application to Stakeholders

Application to stakeholders We have concluded a construction contract wi...

Health and Safety

Percentage of Facilities Certified with OHSAS 18001

The ratio of workplaces certified with OHSAS 18001: Currently, there are...

Health and Safety

Monitoring and managing health and safety performance

Monitoring and managing health and safety performance In order to ensure...

Health and Safety

Number of fatal occupational accidents, Injury and morbidity rate with leave (LTIFR), Absentee Rate

Status of Workplace Accidents Since FY2017, we have had no workplace acc...

Health and Safety

Seven Companies Certified as Outstanding Health and Productivity Management Companies in 2024

Various Awards History Recognized as Outstanding Health and Productivity...

Health and Safety

Independent Third-Party Verification

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

Labor Standards


Policy The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group will respect the following matte...

Labor Standards

Management Structure

Management Structure In our group, to align human resources strategy, in...

Labor Standards

Launched and Participated in Builders and Realtors Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Launched and Participated in Builde...

Labor Standards

Participate in industry collaboration in labor standards

External response to labor issues Participate in industry collaboration ...

Labor Standards

Risk Assessment regarding labour issues carried out for Potential new operations or projects

When Tokyu Fudosan Holdings invests in a new project such as an M&A, it...

Labor Standards

Whistleblower System

Whistleblower System Whistleblower System of the TFHD Group assumes it s...

Labor Standards

Corrective and remedial initiatives

Corrective and remedial initiatives Respect for human rights and mechani...

Labor Standards

The number of incidents of labour standards non-complianceーNumber of helpline reports

The number of incidents of labour standards non-complianceーNumber of helpli...

Labor Standards

Initiatives to create an employee-friendly work culture

Initiatives for respecting human rights With the exception of a few comp...

Labor Standards
Labor Standards

Acceptance of foreign technical intern trainees and effots to respect their human rights

The Group responds to the fact that forced labors related to the foreign te...

Labor Standards

The Employment of under-privileged groups and Internship Programs for Youth unemployment initiatives

Tokyu Land Corporation and TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. provide an environment where...

Labor Standards

Information Provision to Employees

Information Provision to Employees The 'Guidebook for Preventing Sex...

Labor Standards

Preventing child labor or forced labor

Improvement of working conditions. The Group is committed to preventing ch...

Labor Standards

Management of work hours

Each subsidiary of the Group monitors employees for chronic and constant pr...

Labor Standards

Equal Pay for Equal Work Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the Part-Time and Fixed-Term Worker La...

Labor Standards

Dialogue between labor and management

Communication with employees Tokyu Land Corporation has instituted a lab...

Labor Standards

Communicate labor standards globally to employees

Tokyu Land Corporation explains labor laws, employment regulations, labor c...

Labor Standards

Employee training dedicated to skills development

Various training programs. Employee training dedicated to skills develop...

Labor Standards

Skill Development Programs for Employees

In order to foster innovation within the Group required to create values fo...

Labor Standards

Training on human rights policy

Training on human rights policy The Group conducts human rights policy t...

Labor Standards

Harassment training for all employees and managers

The Group regularly holds e-learning and training by inviting external lect...

Labor Standards

Freedom of Association

Various data Freedom of Association ESG Data : Labor Union-Related

Labor Standards

Turnover rate

Turnover rate ESG Data : Turnover rate Ratio of non-regular employe...

Diversity Promotion


Policy DE&I vision Diversity of human resources is essential to rea...

Diversity Promotion

Management Structure

In our group, to align human resources strategy, including health and safet...

Diversity Promotion

Objectives and Initiatives/Performance

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Promotion of Women's Participation an...

Diversity Promotion

Promoting diversity and creating dynamic workplaces

In April 2013, TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. became the first major real estate distr...

Diversity Promotion

Diversity promotion and enhancement

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group organizes Diversity Conference where represent...

Diversity Promotion

Achieving Work-life balance

Work style reform Achieving Work-life balance Our group offer diverse w...

Diversity Promotion

Employee satisfaction survey

Improvement of work engagement (Employee satisfaction survey) Tokyu Land C...

Diversity Promotion

Support for childcare and eldercare

Support for balancing work, childcare and eldercare Each company in Tokyu ...

Diversity Promotion

Employment for people with disabilities

Role of elderly and workers with disabilities Employment for people with...

Diversity Promotion

Employment for older workers

Employment for older workers Tokyu Livable’s “Career expert re-employmen...

Diversity Promotion

Correspondence to Muslims

Correspondence to diverse races, religions, and nationalities] Promoting...

Diversity Promotion

Education on Diversity and Inclusion

Various training programs Education on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ...

Diversity Promotion

LGBTQ Initiatives

Various awards, rankings, etc. Recognition for LGBTQ Initiatives through...

Diversity Promotion

L-boshi certified with highest ratings

L-boshi certified* with highest ratings Tokyu Community develop supp...

Diversity Promotion

Third-party Verification of Social Data

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

Human capital management

Human Capital Management

To achieve GROUP VISION 2030 and our medium-term management plan, the aim o...

Human capital management

Human Capital Strategy

Human Capital Strategy To achieve GROUP VISION 2030, our vision for what w...

Human capital management

Strategy measures and human capital KPI

Strategy measures and human capital KPI One of the risks in promoting the ...