

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's business activities rely heavily on ecosystem services for land development and materials procurement. Given this, we are strongly aware that biodiversity conservation represents an important environmental issue.
The loss of biodiversity would make it difficult for us to reap the benefits of ecosystem services that until now have benefited our businesses in terms of land use and construction materials procurement, which carries with it the risk of much higher costs. Furthermore, the loss of biodiversity is an extremely critical issue that could threaten the very existence of society and human life.
The development and operation of housing, office buildings, commercial facilities and resorts that help to conserve biodiversity will create business opportunities and enhance the competitiveness of the Group. At Tokyo Port City Takeshiba, the largest office building in which Tokyu Land Corporation is involved, we are working on biodiversity conservation as Takeshiba Shinpachikei.


Our group respects the international goal of becoming "nature positive'' as set out in the "Kunming Montreal Biodiversity Framework (GBF),'' and works with stakeholders such as business partners, customers, and local communities to improve biodiversity. We will promote initiatives to avoid and minimize negative impacts on diversity and expand positive impacts.

  1. We aim to understand the dependence and impact on biodiversity in our group's business throughout the value chain, reduce and prevent negative impacts, and aim to have a positive impact on nature.
  2. In the development, operation, and management of real estate, we understand the local ecosystem, avoid and minimize the loss of ecosystems due to business activities, and strive to create ecological networks in cities and conduct conservation initiatives tailored to local characteristics. We aim to use land in harmony with preserving and regenerating biodiversity and improving the comfort of visitors and facility users.
  3. We will respect the GBF target of conserving 30% of land/sea areas and promote forest conservation.
  4. We work with stakeholders to procure sustainable resources that are considerate of the environment and human rights, and strive to improve resource use efficiency based on the idea of a circular economy.
  5. We will actively engage with diverse stakeholders regarding biodiversity, including business partners, local communities, governments, customers, and employees, and reflect this in our initiatives.
  6. In order to integrate the perspective of biodiversity into business decision-making, we will strive to educate and enlighten our diverse stakeholders, including employees, to improve their literacy regarding biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • 選択肢1
  • 選択肢2
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Management Structure

Management Structure

The Group has established the Sustainability Committee headed by the President & Representative Director, and to address climate change issues, the Sustainability Council, established as a subcommittee, leads relevant management activities across the entire Group.

The Sustainability Council, comprised of environmental and sustainability managers from each group company, manages the results of group-wide efforts on biodiversity issues and shares information based on a shared policy. This ensures biodiversity conservation is addressed throughout all business activities.

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Quantified time-specific targets to address biodiversity impact ~ KPI Targets for Fiscal 2030

Quantity targets in urban areas

We believe that urban greening is important for addressing biodiversity issues. Therefore, in the wide-area Shibuya area, which the Group has designated as a priority development area, we are actively greening our business bases in order to conserve the ecosystem. We are working to form an ecological network in the wide-area Shibuya area by connecting the surrounding greenery and acting as a relay base for the creatures that live there.

Green buildings(roofs,walls,etc)*   Fiscal 2023 Results 100% , Fiscal 2030 Targets 100%

  • *Tokyu Land Corporation new large office buildings and commercial facilities.
Here's a map of the Shibuya area with new large-scale properties such as office buildings and commercial facilities.
Image representation of building greening

Quantity targets in resort areas, etc.

Tokyu Land Holdings Group will conserve 40% of the land and sea area in its wellness business areas, including hotels and resorts and healthcare business, in order to achieve the goal of halting and restoring biodiversity loss by 2030 (Nature Positive), exceeding the 30by30 target of effectively conserving at least 30% of the land and sea as healthy ecosystems by 2030. The "conserved" area refers to (1) the area of land subject to OECM certification and other environmental certifications for biodiversity and green space conservation systems, (2) the area falling within the area of national parks, national parks, and natural parks, and (3) forests subject to the preparation of forest management plans under the Forest Law.

  • 選択肢1
  • 選択肢2
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Planning and management at the project site

Planning and management at the project site

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)

The Group formulates a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) by identifying areas in all of our business regions that have sites, species, and functions of particular importance for conservation. In the relevant areas, biodiversity monitoring by experts is conducted on a regular basis, and the results are reflected in the management plan in an effort to conserve biodiversity.

Resort Town Tateshina plans to establish a monitoring plan to survey the habitat and growth environment of plants and animals in the villa area and surrounding wooded areas, etc., and if there are any rare plant or animal species or threats to the habitat or growth environment, countermeasures will be considered and utilized in the green space management plan.

TOKYU LAND CORPORATION, Tokyu Resorts & Stays Co.,Ltd.

Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual”

(Non-native flora) Annual fleabane

Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual”

According to the Invasive Alien Species Act (Ministry of the Environment), an invasive alien species is a species of fauna or flora that did not originally reside in Japan and was brought to Japan intentionally or unintentionally by human actions and that may cause damages to local ecosystems. The Group has created a manual that outlines ways to deal with an invasive alien species if it is found in order to protect the community's ecosystem.

Nettle caterpillar(Non-native fauna)
Nettle caterpillar
Annual fleabane(Non-native flora)
Annual fleabane
  • 選択肢1
  • 選択肢2
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat)《New project》

Ecosystem study in progress at Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) ~ Conducting ecosystem studies and conserving biodiversity using greenery in the project

《New project》The Group is actively greening condominiums, office buildings, commercial facilities, and other buildings to connect the surrounding greenery and preserve local biodiversity by working to create an ecological network that takes biodiversity into consideration.

  • 選択肢1
  • 選択肢2
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) 《Existing project》

《Existing project》For example, at the roof terrace garden named Omohara Forest at Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku, we conduct regular studies on living organisms throughout the year with Regional Environmental Planning, Inc., a specialist in natural environment conservation in order to gain an understanding of the ecosystem created there,.

Ecosystem study in progress at Tokyu Plaza Omotesando HarajukuEcosystem study in progress
at Tokyu Plaza Omotesando Harajuku
Seven-spot ladybugSeven-spot ladybug
Japanese white-eyeJapanese white-eye

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower"

At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower", we are working on environmental education and reduction of environmental load through contact with living things and farming experience. We will improve people's awareness and understanding of biodiversity by developing the "Takeshiba Shinhakkei", which consists of eight views of "rain, water, islands, paddy fields, incense, vegetable gardens, bees, and the sky." In addition, in order to contribute to the creation of a habitat for birds of prey such as peregrine falcons, we have set up nest boxes for nesting and are working to maintain and improve biodiversity and ecosystems.

Rice plantingRice planting
Pre-harvest strawberriesPre-harvest strawberries
Bee hiveBee hive

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) “Tambara Ski Park"

“Tambara Ski Park" has been working to protect ‘forest green tree frogs’, which are registered as near-threatened and mild concerns on the Red List of Gunma Prefecture and the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN.

“Tambara Ski Park" has been working to protect ‘forest green tree frogs’, which are registered as near-threatened and mild concerns on the Red List of Gunma Prefecture and the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN. During development, we preserved the pond inhabited to protect the forest green tree frogs. After that, every year, we carry out conservation activities in collaboration with local volunteer groups (Nature Lovers Association), such as cleaning the pond and replenishing water in the summer when the water level drops.

Newborn forest green frogsNewborn forest green frogs
Swimming forest green frogSwimming forest green frog
Cleaning the pondCleaning the pond

The coast in front of the resort hotel "Palau Pacific Resort" in the Republic of Palau was a sea where coral did not easily inhabit due to the outflow of mud. Did. In 2002, the sea across the hotel was designated as a marine life reserve by state ordinance and is now a great snorkeling area where you can see many species of fish and corals. In April 2010, we transplanted 30 giant clams to the beach of the hotel with more than 30 guests. We are also co-sponsoring the holding of an educational event "Dugong Week" for all elementary and junior high school students in Palau to protect the endangered dugong that lives in the waters near Palau.

Seventy Island in Palau, designated as a Wildlife SanctuarySeventy Island in Palau, designated as a Wildlife Sanctuary
"Dugong" inhabiting the Palauan waters"Dugong" inhabiting the Palauan waters
TOKYU LAND CORPORATION, Tokyu Resorts & Stays Co.,Ltd.

Participation records in biodiversity certification systems

Participation in biodiversity certification systems

Systematic application

30 by 30 (30 by 30) refers to the goal of halting and restoring biodiversity loss (nature positive) by 2030, as promised at the G7 Summit held in England in June 2021. The goal is to effectively conserve at least 30% of land and sea as healthy ecosystems by 2030. Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Co., Ltd. and Tokyu Resorts & Stays Co., Ltd. support this purpose and participate in the 30by30 Alliance. For example, Tokyu Resort Town Tateshina has created a forest management plan for its vast 660ha forest, and has been thinning it for conservation since 2018.

ABINC acquisition

Tokyu Land Corporation encourages acquisition of ABINC and other certifications in order to support biodiversity conservation, particularly for properties with abundant natural environments in the surrounding area and where many green spaces can be secured on the premises, and will continue to systematically introduce these bases.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION

Results of Participation in the biodiversity certification system


Obtained the highest rank (AAA) of "JHEP Certification

The FUTAKO TAMAGAWA Rise integrated commercial and residential complex that is a joint venture between Tokyu Land Corporation and Tokyu Corporation acquired the top rank (AAA) for JHEP Certification, which is Ecosystem Conservation Society - Japan's system for certification of biodiversity assessments. We developed the building's roof garden into an open space containing water and greenery as a large-scale roof garden with features such as a vegetable garden and a killifish pond in an aim to create a community that is in harmony with the abundant natural environment in the surroundings.

Killifish pond created as part of the roof garden-1Killifish pond created
as part of the roof garden
Killifish pond created as part of the roof garden-2
  • 選択肢1
  • 選択肢2

Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity

Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity


Tokyu Fudosan Holdings is participating in the 30 by 30 initiative organized by the Ministry of Environment to achieve the goal of halting and restoring biodiversity loss by 2030 (Nature Positive) and to achieve the conservation and protection of at least 30% of our terrestrial and marine areas by 2030.


Tokyu Fudosan Holdings is a member of the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council and aims to realize a sustainable society through the construction of a society that coexists with nature through exchanges with local companies and NPOs. In February 2022, the Nature Conservation Council held an online dialogue with the Mangrove Tree Planting Operation Liaison Council in the "Large-scale Mangrove Tree Planting Project in Sabua Tasara District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, Thailand".
In November 2024, we held a dialogue with World Wide Fund for Nature Japan (WWF Japan) on forest conservation in the revision of our sustainable procurement policy.
We received opinions on the Group's environmental initiatives and received advice on our future promotion activities in sustainable procurement. We also shared information on our approach to sustainable timber procurement.

Local Organisations

Dialogues conducted to mitigate biodiversity loss Tokyu Resort Town Tateshina is an integrated resort developed by concluding a nature conservation agreement with Nagano Prefecture. Currently, we have concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement with local governments, etc., and are strengthening our efforts for biodiversity by introducing biomass boilers using thinned wood generated in forest conservation.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION, Tokyu Resorts & Stays Co.,Ltd.
Climate Change


Policy The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes that climate change i...

Climate Change

Management Structure

Management Structure The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has in place the T...

Climate Change

Environment approved by the board of directors, Named position responsible at Board level

Environment approved by the board of directors, Named position responsible ...

Climate Change

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Quantified CO₂ reduction targets ...

Climate Change

Reduction of CO2 emissions / Reduction of energy consumption

Targets in the investment process ① Electrical facility: Introdu...

Climate Change

GHG(CO2) emissions data

GHG(CO₂) emissions (Achievements, Goals) GHG(CO₂) emissions

Climate Change

Energy usage data

Energy usage Energy usage

Climate Change

Company position on public policy for mitigating climate change

Company position on public policy for mitigating climate change Tokyu La...

Climate Change

Support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associations that are consistent with climate change policies

Support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associ...

Climate Change

Efforts, Supports and Involvement for activities to avoid climate change

Efforts, Supports and Involvement for activities to avoid climate change ...

Climate Change

Risk management process

Tokyu Land Corporation implements the following management process as a cou...

Climate Change

Renewable Energy Business

Renewable Energy Business Promotion of Renewable Energy Business SD...

Climate Change

Use of renewable energy

Use of renewable energy The Group uses photovoltaic energy, wind power a...

Climate Change

Building Management Systems in place measuring energy efficiency of properties

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings measures the energy efficiency of all real estate pr...

Climate Change

Phase out investments in carbon intensive assets

In office buildings and commercial facilities operated and managed by Tokyu...

Climate Change

Reduction in CO2 emissions in office buildings

The Group works to reduce CO2 emissions in the office buildings it manages ...

Climate Change

Reduction in CO2 emissions in condominiums

The 356-unit Branz City Shinagawa Katsushima is a large condominium buildin...

Climate Change

TOKYU COMMUNITY Technology Training Center NOTIA acquired Nearly ZEB

Initiatives towards ZEB and ZEH TOKYU COMMUNITY Technology Training Cent...

Climate Change

Program to promote corporate value improvement through decarbon management

Program to promote corporate value improvement through decarbon management ...

Climate Change

Third-party Independent Verification of Environmental Data

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure


TCFD / TNFD disclosure


TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD disclosure

TCFD disclosure(Top page)​

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group makes a commitment to environmental issues an ...

TCFD disclosure


Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has in place the Sustainability Committee, comprisin...

TCFD disclosure


Strategy Faced with mounting threats of climate change and environmental...

TCFD disclosure

Risk management

Risk management Identifying / assessing climate-related risks/opportunit...

TCFD disclosure

Metrics and targets

Metrics and targets Climate change-related targets in our long-term GROU...

Transition Plan toward Decarbonized Society

Transition Plan toward Decarbonized Society

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group makes a commitment to environmental issues an ...



Policy Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's business activities rely heavily o...


Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...


Planning and management at the project site

Planning and management at the project site Biodiversity Action Plan (BA...


Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual”

Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual” According to the In...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat)《New project》

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) ~ Conducti...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) 《Existing project》

《Existing project》For example, at the roof terrace garden named Omohara For...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower"

At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower", we are working on environmenta...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) “Tambara Ski Park"

“Tambara Ski Park" has been working to protect ‘forest green tree frogs’, w...


Participation records in biodiversity certification systems

Participation in biodiversity certification systems Systematic applicati...


Results of Participation in the biodiversity certification system

Obtained the highest rank (AAA) of "JHEP Certification The FUTAKO TAMAGA...


Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity

Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity Gover...

TNFD disclosure

TNFD disclosure

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has established environmental management a...

TNFD disclosure

Introduction, Summary, INDEX

INTRODUCTION Introduction -Nature Positive as a Global Goal- Am...

TNFD disclosure

General requirement

Nature-Related Information Disclosure in line with TNFD G...

TNFD disclosure


Governance Governance Under “governance” by the T...

TNFD disclosure


Strategy Strategy Strategy Framework ...

TNFD disclosure

Risk and impact management

Risk and impact management Risk and impact management ...

TNFD disclosure

Measured metrics / targets

Metrics and Targets P Metrics and Targets ...

Pollution and Resources


The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group believes that one of its duties is to miti...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Process targets to reduce or avoid pollution

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Process targets to reduce or avoid ...

Pollution and Resources

Setting standards to ensure residential indoor air quality

Tokyu Land Corporation has rigorous performance standards for its newly bui...

Pollution and Resources

Handling of hazardous substances

The Group's office buildings, commercial facilities and resorts manage and ...

Pollution and Resources

Measurement of NOx, SOx, emissions

Measurement of NOx, SOx, emissions According to the Air Pollution Contro...

Pollution and Resources


Waste Policy The Group recognizes that the mitigation and prope...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Process targets to reduce or avoid waste

Process targets to reduce or avoid waste: Tokyu Land Corporation has set...

Pollution and Resources

Data on waste volume

Data on waste volume ESG Data : Waste discharge amount

Pollution and Resources

Waste reduction through remodeling

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group is working to reduce waste through home re...

Pollution and Resources

【WASTE】Ratio of establishments receiving environmental management certification

Ratio of establishments receiving environmental management certification ...

Pollution and Resources

Working with others to reduce waste or resource use by Participation in specific local or global Initiatives

Working with others to reduce waste or resource use by Participation in spe...

Pollution and Resources

Use of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)​

Use of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings is developin...

Pollution and Resources


Use of Resources Policy The Group recognizes that the responsib...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Progress against previously set targets to reduce resource use:

Progress against previously set targets to reduce resource use: Quantifi...

Pollution and Resources

Forming a reuse cycle for wood resources

Forming a reuse cycle for wood resources The Green Connection Project is...

Pollution and Resources

Investment in R&D on reducing impacts

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has invested in a company that promotes th...

Water Use


Policy The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes the importance of wat...

Water Use

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Committe...

Water Use

Water conservation measures

Water conservation measures Water management plan Tokyu Land Corporat...

Water Use

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features The Tokyu ...

Water Use

Initiatives Along the Tama River - Environmental Conservation of the River and its Basin

Initiatives Along the Tama River - Environmental Conservation of the River ...

Water Use

Initiatives in water-scarce regions

Initiatives in water-scarce regions Engagement, water withdrawal, etc. ...

Water Use

Business activities in a water shortage area

Business activities in water-scarce regions The Republic of Palau is chr...

Water Use

Works with others to reduce water use

Works with others Works with others to reduce water use Tokyu Fudosan...

Water Use

Collaboration with other companies operating at same sites such as making use of water waste streams as inputs (industrial ecology)

Collaboration with other companies operating at same sites such as making u...

Water Use

Costs associated with water-related risks

Costs associated with water-related risks The cost of water-related risk...

Water Use

The number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permits, standards and regulations

The number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permi...

Water Use

Independent verification of water use data by third party

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

Supply Chain (Environment)


Policy In the real estate business involving the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings ...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Results on goals of acquisition of environmental performance certification, including LEED and CASBEE

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Results on goals of acquisition of en...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Targets on water usage from property portfolio

Targets and performance on water usage from property portfolio Water Use...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Permeating environmental awareness to stakeholders

Training and providing programs to raise employees' environmental awareness...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of relevant supplier staff

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of releva...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Green leases offered to tenants of underlying property portfolio

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has introduced a green lease clause in some of the l...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Operating energy management systems together with tenants

Operating energy management systems together with tenants Tokyu Land Cor...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Response to environmental issues

Tokyu Fudosan Hodings participate in the Environmental Management Committee...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Commitment to Green Field Development

Commitment to Green Field Development Commitment to Green Field Developm...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Measures to reduce energy and water consumption

Measures to reduce energy and water consumption Aggregate energy data at...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Managing energy usage of condominiums

Tokyu Community Corporation has been selected to be an MEMS aggregator as a...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features The Tokyu ...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater The office building "Kasumig...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Initiatives for biodiversity

As a member of the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council, Initiatives fo...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Applying biodiversity commitments to the supply chain

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings distributes the Sustainable Procurement Policy to it...

Supply Chain (Environment)

No-Deforestation Commitment

No-Deforestation Commitment Much of plywood used for concrete formwork i...