

In the real estate business involving the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group, since development and operation of houses, office buildings, commercial facilities, resort facilities, etc. are going on for a long time and many stakeholders are involved, we recognize that we need to work on the entire supply chain in cooperation with stakeholders (design companies, construction companies, customers etc.).
Also, since we utilize large amounts of resources from the environment for our business activities, we will work on the entire supply chain for energy use, water resources conservation, biodiversity conservation, saving resources, reduction of pollutants and waste and appropriate treatment.

Supplier policy in the environmental supply chain

-Energy use- We will promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energy throughout the entire group and will endeavor to reduce the impact of CO2 / GHG emissions from business activities on climate change.

-Water Resource- In order to properly manage water resources according to region / time and efficiently use water resources , it is necessary to work in cooperation with stakeholders.
Also, Japan, where many of our business sites are concentrated, has yet to experience chronic water shortage, but in our business activities, we recognize that it is necessary to consider the water resources used for the production of imported materials (so-called “virtual water”).

-Biodiversity Conservation- Land development and materials procurement in our business activities are highly dependent on ecosystem services. Because damaging the ecosystem makes it difficult to receive such service, the Group will conduct appropriate material procurement and ecosystem surveys in collaboration with our stakeholders and work on biodiversity conservation.

-Saving Resources- The Group recognizes that the responsible use of resources is an important environmental issue because global environmental resources are finite. We also believe that it is important to endeavor to use resources more effectively based on an approach incorporating the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle); instead of using vast amounts of resources for our businesses. The Group will work with stakeholders to use resources responsibly and more effectively.

-Reduction of Pollutants and Waste and Appropriate Treatment- The Group recognizes that the reducing emissions of pollutants and waste in business activities is one of the corporate social responsibilities. The Group will work to reduce the impact for the environment in cooperation with design firms and construction companies to reduce pollutants and waste discharges, reduce materials causing the pollutants and waste, and apply appropriate treatment when discharging it we will work.

-Deforestation and Convershion-Free- In accordance with the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Human Rights Policy and the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Sustainable Procurement Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Procurement Policy”), the Group promotes sustainable business by respecting human rights and addressing environmental issues throughout its supply chain.
We have also established a biodiversity policy in order to achieve the international goal of nature positive as defined in the “Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework(GBF)”.
Working together with suppliers, customers, local communities, and other stakeholders, we are working to avoid or minimize negative impacts on biodiversity and increase positive impacts.
We aim to eliminate deforestation and land conversion (DCF: Deforestation and Conversion-Free) and respect the human rights of relevant rights holders, covering all timber and timber products procured and used in our supply chain.
In order to achieve this throughout our supply chain, we will also establish implementation items in our procurement policy and apply them to our suppliers, including direct or indirect business partners, to promote the practice of sustainable procurement activities.

ーUsing Sustainably-sourced Wood for Concrete Formwork Plywoodー As a result of our assessment of human rights risks throughout the supply chain, we determined that human rights during building construction at construction companies, which are important suppliers, are of high importance.
As a result, we have determined that the human rights risks associated with building construction at our key supplier construction companies are of high importance.
In response, we have set and are promoting the goal of 100% use of certified or domestic timber for concrete formwork plywood by FY2030.

Sustainable Procurement Policy

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Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Management Structure

Management Structure

The Group has established the Sustainability Committee headed by the President & CEO, and to address environmental issues within the supply chain, the Sustainability Council, established as a subcommittee, leads relevant management activities across the entire Group.
The Sustainability Council, comprised of environmental and sustainability managers from each group company, sets group-wide fiscal year targets for water use issues, monitors results and shares information based on a shared policy. This ensures proper reporting under relevant laws and regulations and environmental impacts are reduced through business activities.

  • 選択肢1
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Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Results on goals of acquisition of environmental performance certification, including LEED and CASBEE

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Results on goals of acquisition of environmental performance certification, including LEED and CASBEE

《Quantified target》

100% in FY2022, 100% in FY2023
*Targeting new large-scale construction properties of office buildings and commercial facilities for TOKYU LAND CORPORATION


The Group works with stakeholders to obtain environmental performance certification to improve the environmental practices of its entire supply chain.

《Case study》

In November 2015, the entire Futako Tamagawa Rise development became the first location in the world to receive LEED for Neighborhood Development Gold certification. This neighborhood development project received high marks not only for its verdant surrounding environment next to the Tama River, but also for its excellent access to public transportation, high density, compact development, and its initiatives for biodiversity and the more efficient use of energy.

In fiscal 2020, we received the DBJ Green Building 5 Star as a building with outstanding "environmental and social considerations" that is one of the best in Japan at Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower.

In addition, we are also actively working to acquire CASBEE and DBJ Green Building certification for our residential, office and commercial facility developments as part of our efforts to display environmental performance.

A green building certification program administered by the U.S. Green Building Council.

Rise logo mark
Futako Tamagawa RiseFutako Tamagawa Rise
Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office TowerTokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower

Environmental Certifications

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Targets on water usage from property portfolio

Targets and performance on water usage from property portfolio

Water Use

We aim to reduce water use per floor area of our business offices and real estate portfolio by fiscal 2030 compared to the previous fiscal year. For the fiscal year 2022, the actual performance for the target of water usage per floor area, set at 1.4 (m³/m²), was 1.7 (m³/m²). The goal for the fiscal year 2023 is to achieve a value below 1.7 (m³/m²).

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Consumption

We aim to achieve a reduction of 46.2% in carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions from our real estate portfolio by 2030, compared to the 2019 fiscal year.

Property portfolio management policy

Tackling the real estate business in consideration of global environmental issues such as energy use, water resource, biodiversity conservation, resource saving, reduction of pollutants and waste and appropriate treatment will create business opportunities and enhance the competitiveness of the Group. It is based on this awareness that we will work with tenants and other stakeholders to help protect the environment across the entire supply chain of our businesses.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION

Permeating environmental awareness to stakeholders

Training and providing programs to raise employees' environmental awareness and sustainability awareness

Permeating environmental awareness to stakeholders

Training and providing programs to raise employees' environmental awareness and sustainability awareness

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group implements various programs and training to raise awareness of sustainability (including environmental themes) among group employees. In addition, we conduct a survey once every six months to check the progress.

  • Tokyu Fudosan Holdings distributes a newsletter on sustainability to group employees once a month. We carry out e-learning once every six months, and we always take up the theme of sustainability.
  • Tokyu Land Corporation conducted e-learning on the basics of sustainability in May and November 2022.
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION, TLC REIT Management Inc.

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of relevant supplier staff

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of relevant supplier staff

Tokyu Land Corporation distributes sustainable procurement policies to the suppliers, construction companies, and confirms the status of suppliers‘ compliance with environmental policies. If there are issues, we aim to build a responsible supply chain by coordinating and cooperating with each other.

Tokyu Re・design Corporation conducts training every year for the managers and staff of construction companies as suppliers at safety competitions, etc. Among them, we explain the environmental policy and strive to spread it. In fiscal 2021, we held training on handling construction waste and measures to prevent environmental pollution due to hazardous substances generated during work, and in fiscal 2022, we held training on sustainable procurement in accordance with our environmental policy.

Action taken to manage the environmental impact of suppliers through encouraging


We believe that GHG gas emissions during building construction and material procurement methods are among the factors that have the greatest impact on the environment for our group. Therefore, Tokyu Fudosan Holdings requests its general contractors, its suppliers, to report on GHG gas emissions and use of formwork timber certification, and receives reports every year.

Impact reduction

TOKYU LAND CORPORATION presents its sustainable procurement policy to general contractors when making estimates. Our procurement policy states, ``In response to climate change, we promote the efficient use of energy and the use of renewable energy not only through our business activities but also throughout the life cycle of our products and services. We request our suppliers to reduce their impact on the environment.


Green leases offered to tenants of underlying property portfolio

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has introduced a green lease clause in some of the lease contracts for office buildings, commercial facilities, and housing that we operate and manage.

Collaboration with tenants

Green leases offered to tenants of underlying property portfolio:

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has introduced a green lease clause in some of the lease contracts for office buildings, commercial facilities, and housing that we operate and manage. In collaboration with tenants, we are actively promoting efforts to reduce the environmental load of facilities and compliance with environment-related laws and regulations.


Operating energy management systems together with tenants

Operating energy management systems together with tenants

Tokyu Land Corporation actively employs energy saving equipment and is constantly working to improve the management and operation of equipment that consume large amounts of energy, such as air conditioners.

At Abeno Q's Mall in the Abeno Ward of Osaka, Tokyu Land Corporation together with business owners and tenants jointly operates the Motto Save system with Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. that makes it possible to mitigate CO₂ emissions. This system aggregates energy usage data for the common space and private space of the mall on a cloud so that business owners and tenants can check, analyze and share findings about the energy usage data of each tenant.

We will continue to work on energy saving measures with the goal of realizing a low-carbon society in the future.

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Response to environmental issues

Tokyu Fudosan Hodings participate in the Environmental Management Committee of the Global Compact Network Japan.

Response to environmental issues

Participation in initiatives on environmental impacts

Tokyu Fudosan Hodings participate in the Environmental Management Committee of the Global Compact Network Japan.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Commitment to Green Field Development

Commitment to Green Field Development

Commitment to Green Field Development

Tokyu Land Corporation is committed to utilizing underutilized and underutilized agricultural land and green spaces in a way that contributes to the local community.
・In December 2022, we started operation of the "Riene Solar Farm Higashimatsuyama Solar Power Plant" as part of our efforts to simultaneously solve the dual problems of energy and agriculture.
・Aiming to eliminate idle farmland, we will develop a highly productive next-generation facility horticultural park, and realize a land improvement project that involves the creation of non-agricultural land that systematically responds to urban land demand. Agricultural land conversion and development permission has been obtained for a non-agricultural land area created in a land improvement business district in Shiraoka City, Saitama Prefecture.


Measures to reduce energy and water consumption

Smart meter (sample image)

Measures to reduce energy and water consumption

Aggregate energy data at all facilities for efficient energy use

Tokyu Land Corporation has introduced energy data aggregation systems at some 200 office buildings, commercial facilities and resorts that it owns or uses in an effort to reduce CO2 emissions. The visualization of energy usage enables tenants of office buildings and commercial facilities to check and analyze their energy usage to carry out activities that more efficiently help to reduce CO2 emissions.

Smart meters used in underlying property portfolio in all properties

To promote efficient energy use, smart meters are installed at all facilities operated and managed by TOKYU LAND CORPORATION.
Smart meter (sample image)Smart meter (sample image)
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Managing energy usage of condominiums

Conceptual diagram of bulk electricity purchases and MEMS

Tokyu Community Corporation has been selected to be an MEMS aggregator as an energy management service provider

Managing energy usage of condominiums

Tokyu Community Corporation has been selected to be an MEMS aggregator as an energy management service provider by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. It is adopting MEMS (condominium energy management systems) and bulk high-voltage electricity receiving services (a type of energy-saving system) in the condominiums that it manages.

These systems were introduced for approximately 786 housing units during FY2014 as part of efforts to reduce energy use at existing condominiums.

(Fig)Managing energy usage of condominiumsConceptual diagram of bulk electricity purchases and MEMS
  • 選択肢1
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Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

The Tokyu Harvest Club Atami Izusan & VIALA was opened as a resort hotel in harmony with nature in 2013. The resort hotel has been making efforts to conserve water resources through the use of water-saving toilets and reducing the use of tap water by actively using mountain groundwater.

At Tokyu Harvest Club Hotel Hakone Koshien and VIALA Hakone Hisui, efforts are also being made to use water effectively through the reuse of underground spring water from the premises.

Tokyu Harvest Club VIALA Hakone HisuiTokyu Harvest Club VIALA Hakone Hisui uses underground spring water
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION, Tokyu Resorts & Stays Co.,Ltd.

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater

The office building "Kasumigaseki Tokyu Building" developed by Tokyu Land Corporation has introduced facilities to utilize rainwater falling on the roof.
The collected rainwater is used for miscellaneous water such as toilet wash water to save water usage. Water retention pavement for suppressing the rise in road surface temperature is laid on a part of the outer structure by thermal evaporation of water vapor, and it is expected that the heat island phenomenon will be mitigated.


Initiatives for biodiversity

As a member of the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council,

Initiatives for biodiversity

Dialogue /engagement to mitigate biodiversity loss

As a member of the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council, we engage in dialogue /engagement with related organizations and NGOs.

  • 選択肢1
  • 選択肢2
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings

Applying biodiversity commitments to the supply chain

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings distributes the Sustainable Procurement Policy to its supplier construction companies and at the same time conducts questionnaires to check the status of each company with the goal of achieving a 100% compliance rate with the Environmental Policy by fiscal 2030.

Applying biodiversity commitments to the supply chain

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings distributes the Sustainable Procurement Policy to its supplier construction companies and at the same time conducts questionnaires to check the status of each company with the goal of achieving a 100% compliance rate with the Environmental Policy by fiscal 2030. If any issues arise during this process, Tokyu Land Corporation and the construction companies will work together to address them, aiming to build a responsible supply chain. In fiscal 2021, 36% of the construction companies surveyed confirmed that their suppliers had a sustainable procurement policy that includes biodiversity.

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings, TOKYU LAND CORPORATION

No-Deforestation Commitment

No-Deforestation Commitment

Much of plywood used for concrete formwork in Japan is made of south-sea timber logged in Malaysia, Indonesia and other nations, and environmental destruction in the native forests and land grabbing from indigenous peoples have become a problem. In light of this situation, Tokyu Land Corporation , in cooperation with its tier-1 suppliers, construction companies, has pledged to procure 100% of its plywood for concrete forms from sustainable sources such as FSC or PEFC certified or domestic timber by fiscal 2030, with emphasis on environmental protection and human rights issues. In fiscal 2021, 48% of construction companies indicated that certified or domestic lumber was available for formwork plywood.

Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP)

The Group formulates a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) by identifying areas in all of our real estate portfolio that have sites, species, and functions of particular importance for conservation. In the relevant areas, biodiversity monitoring by experts is conducted on a regular basis, and the results are reflected in the management plan in an effort to conserve biodiversity.
Resort Town Tateshina plans to establish a monitoring plan to survey the habitat and growth environment of plants and animals in the villa area and surrounding wooded areas, etc., and if there are any rare plant or animal species or threats to the habitat or growth environment, countermeasures will be considered and utilized in the green space management plan.

Climate Change


Policy The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes that climate change i...

Climate Change

Management Structure

Management Structure The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has in place the T...

Climate Change

Environment approved by the board of directors, Named position responsible at Board level

Environment approved by the board of directors, Named position responsible ...

Climate Change

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Quantified CO₂ reduction targets ...

Climate Change

Reduction of CO2 emissions / Reduction of energy consumption

Targets in the investment process ① Electrical facility: Introdu...

Climate Change

GHG(CO2) emissions data

GHG(CO₂) emissions (Achievements, Goals) GHG(CO₂) emissions

Climate Change

Energy usage data

Energy usage Energy usage

Climate Change

Company position on public policy for mitigating climate change

Company position on public policy for mitigating climate change Tokyu La...

Climate Change

Support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associations that are consistent with climate change policies

Support for mitigating climate change through Membership of business associ...

Climate Change

Efforts, Supports and Involvement for activities to avoid climate change

Efforts, Supports and Involvement for activities to avoid climate change ...

Climate Change

Risk management process

Tokyu Land Corporation implements the following management process as a cou...

Climate Change

Renewable Energy Business

Renewable Energy Business Promotion of Renewable Energy Business SD...

Climate Change

Use of renewable energy

Use of renewable energy The Group uses photovoltaic energy, wind power a...

Climate Change

Building Management Systems in place measuring energy efficiency of properties

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings measures the energy efficiency of all real estate pr...

Climate Change

Phase out investments in carbon intensive assets

In office buildings and commercial facilities operated and managed by Tokyu...

Climate Change

Reduction in CO2 emissions in office buildings

The Group works to reduce CO2 emissions in the office buildings it manages ...

Climate Change

Reduction in CO2 emissions in condominiums

The 356-unit Branz City Shinagawa Katsushima is a large condominium buildin...

Climate Change

TOKYU COMMUNITY Technology Training Center NOTIA acquired Nearly ZEB

Initiatives towards ZEB and ZEH TOKYU COMMUNITY Technology Training Cent...

Climate Change

Program to promote corporate value improvement through decarbon management

Program to promote corporate value improvement through decarbon management ...

Climate Change

Third-party Independent Verification of Environmental Data

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure


TCFD / TNFD disclosure


TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD / TNFD disclosure

TCFD disclosure

TCFD disclosure(Top page)​

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group makes a commitment to environmental issues an ...

TCFD disclosure


Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has in place the Sustainability Committee, comprisin...

TCFD disclosure


Strategy Faced with mounting threats of climate change and environmental...

TCFD disclosure

Risk management

Risk management Identifying / assessing climate-related risks/opportunit...

TCFD disclosure

Metrics and targets

Metrics and targets Climate change-related targets in our long-term GROU...

Transition Plan toward Decarbonized Society

Transition Plan toward Decarbonized Society

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group makes a commitment to environmental issues an ...



Policy Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's business activities rely heavily o...


Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...


Planning and management at the project site

Planning and management at the project site Biodiversity Action Plan (BA...


Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual”

Creation of “Invasive Alien Species Response Manual” According to the In...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat)《New project》

Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) ~ Conducti...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) 《Existing project》

《Existing project》For example, at the roof terrace garden named Omohara For...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower"

At "Tokyo Port City Takeshiba Office Tower", we are working on environmenta...


Biodiversity risk assessment(Disclosure of biodiversity habitat) “Tambara Ski Park"

“Tambara Ski Park" has been working to protect ‘forest green tree frogs’, w...


Participation records in biodiversity certification systems

Participation in biodiversity certification systems Systematic applicati...


Results of Participation in the biodiversity certification system

Obtained the highest rank (AAA) of "JHEP Certification The FUTAKO TAMAGA...


Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity

Disclosure of engagement on efforts to reduce loss of biodiversity Gover...

TNFD disclosure

TNFD disclosure

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has established environmental management a...

TNFD disclosure

Introduction, Summary, INDEX

INTRODUCTION Introduction -Nature Positive as a Global Goal- Am...

TNFD disclosure

General requirement

Nature-Related Information Disclosure in line with TNFD G...

TNFD disclosure


Governance Governance Under “governance” by the T...

TNFD disclosure


Strategy Strategy Strategy Framework ...

TNFD disclosure

Risk and impact management

Risk and impact management Risk and impact management ...

TNFD disclosure

Measured metrics / targets

Metrics and Targets P Metrics and Targets ...

Pollution and Resources


The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group believes that one of its duties is to miti...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Process targets to reduce or avoid pollution

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Process targets to reduce or avoid ...

Pollution and Resources

Setting standards to ensure residential indoor air quality

Tokyu Land Corporation has rigorous performance standards for its newly bui...

Pollution and Resources

Handling of hazardous substances

The Group's office buildings, commercial facilities and resorts manage and ...

Pollution and Resources

Measurement of NOx, SOx, emissions

Measurement of NOx, SOx, emissions According to the Air Pollution Contro...

Pollution and Resources


Waste Policy The Group recognizes that the mitigation and prope...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Process targets to reduce or avoid waste

Process targets to reduce or avoid waste: Tokyu Land Corporation has set...

Pollution and Resources

Data on waste volume

Data on waste volume ESG Data : Waste discharge amount

Pollution and Resources

Waste reduction through remodeling

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group is working to reduce waste through home re...

Pollution and Resources

【WASTE】Ratio of establishments receiving environmental management certification

Ratio of establishments receiving environmental management certification ...

Pollution and Resources

Working with others to reduce waste or resource use by Participation in specific local or global Initiatives

Working with others to reduce waste or resource use by Participation in spe...

Pollution and Resources

Use of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)​

Use of LCA (Life Cycle Analysis) The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings is developin...

Pollution and Resources


Use of Resources Policy The Group recognizes that the responsib...

Pollution and Resources

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Pollution and Resources

Progress against previously set targets to reduce resource use:

Progress against previously set targets to reduce resource use: Quantifi...

Pollution and Resources

Forming a reuse cycle for wood resources

Forming a reuse cycle for wood resources The Green Connection Project is...

Pollution and Resources

Investment in R&D on reducing impacts

The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group has invested in a company that promotes th...

Water Use


Policy The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes the importance of wat...

Water Use

Management Structure, Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Committe...

Water Use

Water conservation measures

Water conservation measures Water management plan Tokyu Land Corporat...

Water Use

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features The Tokyu ...

Water Use

Initiatives Along the Tama River - Environmental Conservation of the River and its Basin

Initiatives Along the Tama River - Environmental Conservation of the River ...

Water Use

Initiatives in water-scarce regions

Initiatives in water-scarce regions Engagement, water withdrawal, etc. ...

Water Use

Business activities in a water shortage area

Business activities in water-scarce regions The Republic of Palau is chr...

Water Use

Works with others to reduce water use

Works with others Works with others to reduce water use Tokyu Fudosan...

Water Use

Collaboration with other companies operating at same sites such as making use of water waste streams as inputs (industrial ecology)

Collaboration with other companies operating at same sites such as making u...

Water Use

Costs associated with water-related risks

Costs associated with water-related risks The cost of water-related risk...

Water Use

The number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permits, standards and regulations

The number of incidents of non-compliance with water quality/quantity permi...

Water Use

Independent verification of water use data by third party

Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...

Supply Chain (Environment)


Policy In the real estate business involving the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings ...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Management Structure

Management Structure The Group has established the Sustainability Commit...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Results on goals of acquisition of environmental performance certification, including LEED and CASBEE

Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Results on goals of acquisition of en...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Targets on water usage from property portfolio

Targets and performance on water usage from property portfolio Water Use...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Permeating environmental awareness to stakeholders

Training and providing programs to raise employees' environmental awareness...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of relevant supplier staff

Environmental policies integrated with suppliers through Training of releva...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Green leases offered to tenants of underlying property portfolio

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings has introduced a green lease clause in some of the l...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Operating energy management systems together with tenants

Operating energy management systems together with tenants Tokyu Land Cor...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Response to environmental issues

Tokyu Fudosan Hodings participate in the Environmental Management Committee...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Commitment to Green Field Development

Commitment to Green Field Development Commitment to Green Field Developm...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Measures to reduce energy and water consumption

Measures to reduce energy and water consumption Aggregate energy data at...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Managing energy usage of condominiums

Tokyu Community Corporation has been selected to be an MEMS aggregator as a...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features

Reducing water use with water saving systems and features The Tokyu ...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater

Reduction of water usage by using rainwater The office building "Kasumig...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Initiatives for biodiversity

As a member of the Keidanren Nature Conservation Council, Initiatives fo...

Supply Chain (Environment)

Applying biodiversity commitments to the supply chain

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings distributes the Sustainable Procurement Policy to it...

Supply Chain (Environment)

No-Deforestation Commitment

No-Deforestation Commitment Much of plywood used for concrete formwork i...