Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability

In order to achieve sustainable growth and increase corporate value over the long term, we have positioned non-financial efforts as a key management issue and promotes continuous strengthening of human capital strategy, social needs, environment and governance, with the Group Sustainability vision of "solving issues in the society through our business activities and work with stakeholders to realize a sustainable society and growth".

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Sustainability Vision

Sustainability Vision

In order to realize our vision of becoming “create value for the future,” w...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Promotion Structure

Promotion Structure

Aiming for continuous value generation, we have made Environmental, Socia...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Code of Conduct

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Code of Conduct

We have established the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Code of Conduct as a s...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Identification of Materialities & Opportunities and Risks

Identification of Materialities & Opportunities and Risks

To formulate the Long-term Management Plan, the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Grou...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's ESG Management

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group’s ESG Management

We have established ESG as a significant management issue. Based on our ide...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative

Efforts, Supports and Involvement for activities to avoid climate change

United Nations Global Compact Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group supports and ...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative


RE100 Tokyu Land Corporation has joined the international initiative "RE...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative

The environmental committee of The Real Estate Companies Association of Japan

The environmental committee of The Real Estate Companies Association of Jap...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative

Green Building Memberships

Green Building Memberships A member of our department represents our compa...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative

Signatory to Initiatives

Signatory to Initiatives Tokyu Land Capital Management Inc. became a signa...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative

GX League

GX League Tokyu Fudosan Holdings participates in the GX League, which was ...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative


30by30 "30by30" is the goal of effectively conserving at least 30% of th...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative

Keidanren Council for Nature Conservation

Keidanren Council for Nature Conservation Tokyu Fudosan Holdings is a me...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative

Involvement in organisations dedicated specifically to climate-related issues:

Involvement in organisations dedicated specifically to climate-related issu...

Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group's Sustainability
Participation in the initiative