The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes the cooperation of stakeholders is necessary and important to ensuring proper social responses in our business activities across the entire supply chain.
The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group recognizes the cooperation of stakeholders is necessary and important to ensuring proper social responses in our business activities across the entire supply chain.
In particular, the real estate business of the Group largely affects communities and parties over long-term time horizons from development to operation, so it is essential that we work closely with a variety of stakeholders. Additionally, the development and operation of homes, office buildings, commercial facilities and resorts that are mindful of local community development will create business opportunities and enhance the competitiveness of the Group.
It is based on this awareness that we will continue to work with stakeholders such as local governments, local communities, design firms, construction companies, and end customers to help revitalize and develop society across the entire supply chain of our businesses.
This card shows Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Sustainable Procurement Policy.
The sustainability vision of the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group (hereinafter, “the Group”) is, “We will solve social issues through our business activities and work with stakeholders to realize a sustainable society and growth.” To achieve this vision, the Group will treat environmental, social, and governance (ESG) matters as important management issues and promote ESG management.
As social and environmental issues have become even more pressing in recent years, stakeholders and society increasingly expect that corporate decision-making and other business activities be based on sustainability as well as profitability.
With the aim of always maintaining stakeholder trust, the Group strives to contribute to economic and social development by maintaining sound business operations based on proper fulfillment of social responsibilities and its public mission, while striving for thorough compliance. To recognize and fulfill the social responsibilities pertaining to its business activities, the Group recently established the Sustainable Procurement Policy (hereinafter, “this Policy”) with a view to realizing its Sustainability Vision.
By promoting procurement under this Policy, the Group will strengthen ESG management to realize corporate growth and a sustainable society. Therefore, it will be necessary and important to engage the entire supply chain, including business partners. The Group asks its business partners to understand the purpose and content of this Policy, and to help it implement sustainable procurement activities.
【Sustainable Procurement Policy Articles】
This Policy applies to the Group's entire supply chain, including direct and indirect suppliers of all products, services and raw materials procured by each Group company.
【Compliance Violation Reporting or Inquiries】
If you are aware of any actual or possible violation of this Policy, please contact us using the inquiry form below. Do not report anything that you know to be false, denigrating, or defamatory, and avoid any threats, or statements that would obstruct business, etc.
You may be required to cooperate in an investigation of the facts.
Anyone who reports a non-compliance issue, reports something by means of an inquiry, or who makes an inquiry will be protected from any reprisals or other disadvantageous treatment by any members of the Group and its entire supply chain.
Established January 6, 2020
In the the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group, buyers comply with the Sustainable Procurement Policy.
In our group, to address challenges in the supply chain, we have established the 'Sustainability Committee' directly under the President and CEO, and within
In our group, to address challenges in the supply chain, we have established the 'Sustainability Committee' directly under the President and CEO, and within its sub-organization, the 'Sustainability Council,' we are advancing cross-functional management across the group.
We believe that addressing social issues such as health and safety in our real estate business will create business opportunities and improve our competitiveness. Based on this recognition, the Group is committed to addressing social issues for the benefit of its tenant employees. For example, with regard to safety, we will conduct annual drills for tenant employees at each of our facilities to prepare them for possible fires, evacuations, firefighting, and other drills. In terms of health, we will strive to maintain a good air environment by implementing appropriate ventilation at each facility and regularly measuring CO2 concentration.
In order to provide equal opportunities, we communicate with tenants to ensure that there are no problems in recruiting employees for tenants of commercial facilities.
In addition, Tokyu Land Corporation is working with tenants of the facilities it operates and manages to increase the recycling rate of waste in order to reduce resource consumption. At office buildings, we distribute recycling guides on waste separation, explaining the distinction between recyclable and non-recyclable waste and the necessity of waste separation, and encourage the installation of mix paper boxes to promote recycling.
The buildings developed by our group are not only sold and leased directly to customers, but are also important assets that generate the business of our group companies, including subsequent brokerage, management, and operation.
As part of the supply chain management strategy, selection criteria for cost, construction period, and quality are set by the implementing departments to screen suppliers, and financial information from the head office department is used to screen suppliers with regard to business stability. In addition, our Sustainable Procurement Policy stipulates respect for human rights, a healthy, safe, and comfortable work environment, and consideration for the environment, and we conduct due diligence surveys of our supplier general contractors, using the results as a reference index when deciding which suppliers to order from.
Our group's construction department procures materials and supplies products to customers in accordance with our sustainable procurement policy.
Conceptual image upon completion of the redevelopment project around Shibuya Station
The Group is actively involved in urban redevelopment projects in an effort to create more appeal and attractive urban communities.
One of Japan's largest terminal stations, Shibuya fulfills a role not only as a hub of transportation, but also a hub of community information and culture. Currently, a public-private partnership is taking place to make fundamental changes to Shibuya's urban functions and Tokyu Land Corporation is a participant in this redevelopment project. In 2027 when all redevelopment is completed and the area serves as a hub for creative contents industries and urban tourism, Shibuya will be transformed into a community that attracts even more people from Japan and abroad.
Tokyu Land Corporation's basic design and development philosophy for all real estate development is accessibility to public transportation. The property's location near the station and excellent transportation access has received high praise from tenants for its convenient transportation and shortened commuting time. It also contributes to reducing CO₂ emissions by promoting the use of public transportation, which has less environmental impact.
Tokyu Land Corporation is taking measures such as stipulating design standards so that people with disabilities can use the facility safely in all development projects. For example, for office buildings, we have introduced barrier-free and universal design, and have formulated the "Office Building Universal Design Guidelines" for the purpose of achieving a unified response. In addition, condominiums, office buildings, and commercial facilities are constructed as close as possible to railroad stations so that they can be easily accessed.
In our group, individual projects are dedicated to addressing social challenges in the supply chain, promoting environmental impact reduction in urban renewal and high-convenience transportation projects, and achieving barrier-free accessibility in buildings. We are committed to creating value for local communities and our customers.
The entire group requests compliance with the following standards from all business partners:
Furthermore, we are disseminating our supply chain policy through the following.
TOKYU LAND CORPORATION has been conducting due diligence on domestic general construction companies since 2013. When constructing a facility, we evaluate the soundness of corporate management of potential new suppliers and suppliers with whom we have already placed orders, based on their business status, credit factors, and the presence or absence of environmental and social issues, and use the results to place orders for construction. selected as the destination.
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings considers construction companies that construct buildings among its suppliers as important stakeholders, and is working to resolve priority human rights issues in its supply chain.
Based on the "Human Rights Policy" and "Sustainable Procurement Policy" formulated in FY2019, in FY2020, we conducted "Due Diligence on Environmental and Social Issues in the Supply Chain" for 24 construction companies with whom we have a track record to identify negative impacts on social and environmental issues such as human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption, and understood procurement risks. (As part of our due diligence activities for construction companies, we have been conducting regular risk assessments every year since fiscal 2013 regarding the soundness of corporate management, including business conditions centered on financial aspects and credit factors such as legal compliance.)
Evidence of consultation taking place
We are implementing the following initiatives with new and existing construction companies and other suppliers with whom we do business.
In fiscal 2023, we held real-life supplier engagement meetings with two construction companies with whom we have business relationships regarding social and environmental issues, and discussed the following based on the previous year's risk assessment.
We have established KPIs for human rights in our supply chain, and through due diligence on our suppliers, we aim to understand procurement risks, including the environment, in our supply chain and prevent and reduce negative impacts on human rights. We will continue to improve the effectiveness of human rights and environmental risk reduction and promote the resolution of social and environmental issues throughout the supply chain.
Tokyu Re・design Corporation conducts training such as safety competitions for managers and staff every year for construction companies that are suppliers. Among them, we explain social issues such as safety measures in construction, human rights, and the use of certified timber, and invite outside lecturers to share good practices and strive to strengthen their capabilities. In fiscal 2022, we held training on sustainable procurement, including human rights and environmental conservation.
Tokyu Land Corporation conducts on-site audits of suppliers regarding safety and the environment in all development projects in which we are the main business entity.
Tokyu Land Corporation conducts on-site audits of suppliers regarding safety and the environment in all development projects in which we are the main business entity. We regularly inspect construction sites to see what measures construction companies are taking to ensure safety and the environment, and if any problems are found, we discuss them with the construction company managers and implement measures to quickly resolve them.
Resolving Social Issues through dialogue with local communities and tenants
Tokyu Land Corporation provides opportunities for dialogue with local communities and tenants, and works to resolve local issues with all stakeholders.
For example, with regard to "disaster prevention," which is a common issue in the community, we conduct regular disaster prevention drills with our tenant employees and discuss the results of these drills with them to ensure that they are prepared to evacuate safely in the event of a disaster. In addition, to "improve the beauty of the community," our employees participate in volunteer cleanup activities in the community where our facilities are located, interacting and conversing with the local community association and residents. When developing office buildings and commercial facilities, we engage in dialogue with local merchants' associations, etc., and when necessary, we install local cargo handling areas within the facilities to "improve safety" for pedestrians when handling cargo.
Tokyu Land Corporation aims to solve social issues through business activities and is working on environmentally friendly renewable energy business.
Tokyu Land Corporation aims to solve social issues through business activities and is working on environmentally friendly renewable energy business. As a general developer, we will develop solar power plants and wind power plants all over the country and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by utilizing the know-how that we have gained through large-scale development while gaining the understanding of local communities.
In addition, Tokyu Land Corporation serves as the representative director of The Association for Reciprocal Revitalization of Renewable energy and Region(FOURE). In order to work together with local communities to tackle local issues, we will actively engage in dialogue, such as giving lectures at municipal councils and workshops hosted by the prefecture, and build long-term relationships with local communities.
Group interview
Tokyu Land Corporation's "BRANZ" condominium brand has been using the "BRANZ VOICE" activity to canvas customers' views using surveys and interviews.
The opinions expressed by customers in these venues are used to identify customer needs; BRANZ then leverages its know-how and integration capability to transform these into physical form. Based around the concept of "Functional beauty that enhances your living experience," BRANZ has developed the "MEUP" original product plan. To date, surveys conducted regarding the issue of water circulation—an issue that many customers had expressed opinions about—have resulted in the commercial launch of MEUP kitchens, powder rooms and bathrooms.
In 2009, the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group launched the Service-way Forum (SWF), the aim of which is to ensure a high level of customer satisfaction with service provision throughout the Group by promoting the sharing of know-how and information between Group member companies, particularly the five companies* whose personnel are most likely to have direct contact with customers (in relation to operation, etc.).
For example, one SWF activity is the implementation of the Hospitality Enhancement Program, a training program conducted by Tokyu Harvest Club, a membership resort hotel chain, which aims at ensuring that Tokyu Harvest Club employees provide guests with service that reflects a higher level of hospitality.
Besides putting in place measures to ensure that staff members remember guests' names, steps have also been taken to make sure that guests remember staff members' names, including the display of a Staff Board and the use of "face-cards" instead of conventional name-cards. The aim of these measures is to strengthen staff members' relationship with guests.
*Tokyu Resort Service Co., Ltd., Tokyu Sports Oasis, Inc., Tokyu Stay Service Co., Ltd., Tokyu E-LIFE DESIGN, Inc., and TOKYU LAND SC MANAGEMENT CORPORATION
Tokyu Land SC Management Co., Ltd. investigates the satisfaction level of our company's management (relations, safety management, working environment in tenants, etc.) once a year for store managers of residents of major commercial facilities. Based on the responses of the questionnaire, we are extracting the issues of each facility and working on improvement.
the Group newsletter Cosmos
the Group newsletter Cosmos
Reflecting the Group's desire to continue to enrich customers' lives even after they have purchased our products or used one of our services, we run the Tokyu Cosmos Club, which is an exclusive member's only organization. We are broadening communication with the more than 100,000 members of the Tokyu Cosmos Club through the Group newsletter Cosmos and the member's only website called Cosmos WEB. In particular, in the customer satisfaction survey carried out in 2021, 92.2% of the members gave us opinions that they are "satisfied". We will continue to strive to deepen communication with our customers.
In FY2021, we began measuring the Net Percentage of Recommended Customers (NPS®), which measures "how well a company treats its customers and how well it generates customer loyalty. We will continue to analyze customer feedback and strive to provide even better service.
the Group newsletter
the free newspaper Office To
With the aim of helping the office workers working in buildings managed by the company to enjoy a more fulfilling office lifestyle, Tokyu Land Corporation publishes the free newspaper Office To, and also operates the Office To CLUB website in collaboration with EWEL Inc. to inform tenants about special services offered by the Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group that they can access. Both Office To and Office To CLUB have proved very popular with readers and site-users.
the free newspaper
Office To
Example of a storage area optimized for disaster preparedness
Tokyu Land Corporation's "BRANZ" condominium brand has been working actively to strengthen disaster preparedness, for example by becoming the first condominium brand in Japan to incorporate "pantry shelters" (which are used as storage space under normal circumstances, but can be used as an emergency shelter in the event of an earthquake etc.) Comprehensive measures have been taken to enhance disaster preparedness, including strengthening of the building structure, the making of improvements to storage facilities, and the arrangement of disaster prevention activities at the level of the building management unit, etc., with the aim of strengthening residents' awareness of the importance of being prepared for disasters.
Example of a storage area optimized
for disaster preparedness
The Group prepares a clear evacuation plans in accordance with the Fire Service Act at each facility, and conducts annual training such as reporting, evacuation, and fire extinguishing to tenant employees under the guidance of the local fire department.
The Group prepares a clear evacuation plans in accordance with the Fire Service Act at each facility, and conducts annual training such as reporting, evacuation, and fire extinguishing to tenant employees under the guidance of the local fire department.
Testing in a vibration simulator Cooperation:Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd. Engineering Research Laboratory
Tokyu Land Corporation is working to create condominiums whose residents can enjoy safety and peace of mind.
To prevent furniture from falling over during an earthquake, we conduct testing in a vibration simulator to ensure that walls that will have furniture fixed to them using metal fixings have sufficient rigidity and strength and we utilize a specially reinforced specification for the metal fixings.
Testing in a vibration simulator
Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd.
Engineering Research Laboratory
Seismic Resistance System
Tokyu Re・design Corporation’s "Total housing renovation system" goes beyond renewing a property's interior and exterior decoration and facilities to achieve a complete renewal that "strengthens the building from the core to create a home that will last". Tokyu Re・design Corporation’s "Seismic Resistance System" is designed to protect against earthquakes up to 6 on the Japan Meteorological Agency Seismic Intensity Scale, and with the aftershocks, and also includes the latest seismic damping device as standard. With "Total housing renovation system" and "Seismic Resistance System", your residence can be transformed into a new home that provides real security and peace of mind.
This card shows Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group Sustainable Procurement Policy...
Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Management policy Property portfol...
Supply Chain Management Critical Suppliers The buildings developed by o...
Creating a Safe and Secure Community Redevelopment project in Shibuya ...
Consideration of access via public transport during design and development ...
Disabled persons access is assessed for all buildings Tokyu Land Corpora...
Arrangement of Real Estate business value chain Supply Chain in the Real...
Request for supply chain policy on social issues In our group, individua...
Risk Assessment carried out regarding environmental and social issues for P...
Capacity building for suppliers Tokyu Re・design Corporation conducts tra...
Tokyu Land Corporation conducts on-site audits of suppliers regarding safet...
Stakeholder Engagement Resolving Social Issues through dialogue with loc...
Tokyu Land Corporation aims to solve social issues through business activit...
Improvement of Services and Quality Building homes that take customers v...
Communication with tenants With the aim of helping the office workers ...
Pursuit of Safety and Security in Buildings Strengthening disaster prepa...
The Group prepares a clear evacuation plans in accordance with the Fire Ser...
Condominium design that emphasizes safety and peace of mind Tokyu La...
Strengthening seismic resistance through home renovation Tokyu Re・de...
Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements In FY 2019, the Group conducted a hum...
Target for 2030 – 100% Sustainable Wood for Concrete Formworks Much of p...
Human rights impact or risk assessments Regarding the potential new proj...
Continued positive assessment of negative impacts on human rights The Gr...
Actions implemented for avoidance, prevention and mitigation of human right...
Clear communication of human rights expectations to stakeholders The Gro...
Efforts to respect human rights of suppliers and ensure sustainable procure...
Commitments We are committed to take the Group’s business and advance it t...
Management Structure In our group, to address challenges in the community ...
Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements The town development in the Greater...
Community Contribution Activities Creation of local employment opportuni...
Contributing to communities in the tourist haven of Palau For ...
Continuing to support disaster-stricken areas in the recovery effort ...
Supporting local activities Tokyu Land Corporation is involved with the ...
Supporting child raising through condominiums In September 201...
Tokyu Land Holdings conducts monthly labor management surveys at each Group...
The director responsible for promoting occupational safety management is th...
Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Health management Tokyu Land Hol...
Health committees , Labor liaison meetings The Group has established Hea...
In all development projects in which Tokyu Land Corporation is a principal ...
The Group endeavors to offer sound workplaces that are dynamic so that each...
Number of staff trained on health and safety standards Tokyu Fudosan Hol...
Addressing Global Health Issues Currently, HIV (AIDS), tuberculosis, and...
Application to stakeholders We have concluded a construction contract wi...
The ratio of workplaces certified with OHSAS 18001: Currently, there are...
Monitoring and managing health and safety performance In order to ensure...
Status of Workplace Accidents Since FY2017, we have had no workplace acc...
Various Awards History Six Companies Certified as Outstanding Health and...
Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...
Management Structure In our group, to align human resources strategy, in...
Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Launched and Participated in Builde...
External response to labor issues Participate in industry collaboration ...
When Tokyu Fudosan Holdings invests in a new project such as an M&A, it...
Whistleblower System Whistleblower System of the TFHD Group assumes it s...
Corrective and remedial initiatives Respect for human rights and mechani...
The number of incidents of labour standards non-complianceーNumber of helpli...
Initiatives for respecting human rights With the exception of a few comp...
Taking steps to promote diverse workforce regardless of race, religion, g...
The Group responds to the fact that forced labors related to the foreign te...
Tokyu Land Corporation and TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. provide an environment where...
Information Provision to Employees The 'Guidebook for Preventing Sex...
Improvement of working conditions. The Group is committed to preventing ch...
Each subsidiary of the Group monitors employees for chronic and constant pr...
In accordance with the provisions of the Part-Time and Fixed-Term Worker La...
Communication with employees Tokyu Land Corporation has instituted a lab...
Tokyu Land Corporation explains labor laws, employment regulations, labor c...
Various training programs. Employee training dedicated to skills develop...
In order to foster innovation within the Group required to create values fo...
Training on human rights policy The Group conducts human rights policy t...
The Group regularly holds e-learning and training by inviting external lect...
Various data Freedom of Association ESG Data : Labor Union-Related
Goals, Initiatives, and Achievements Promotion of Women's Participation an...
In April 2013, TOKYU LIVABLE, INC. became the first major real estate distr...
Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group organizes Diversity Conference where represent...
Work style reform Achieving Work-life balance Our group offer diverse w...
Improvement of work engagement (Employee satisfaction survey) Tokyu Land C...
Support for balancing work, childcare and eldercare Each company in Tokyu ...
Role of elderly and workers with disabilities Employment for people with...
Employment for older workers Tokyu Livable’s “Career expert re-employmen...
Correspondence to diverse races, religions, and nationalities] Promoting...
Various training programs Education on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion ...
L-boshi certified* with highest ratings Tokyu Community develop supp...
Third-party Independent Verification The Tokyu Fudosan Holdings Group re...
To achieve GROUP VISION 2030 and our medium-term management plan, the aim o...
Human Capital Strategy To achieve GROUP VISION 2030, our vision for what w...
Strategy measures and human capital KPI One of the risks in promoting the ...